1. 词义:先前的测试,预先测试的
2. 同义词:preliminary test
3. 反义词:posttest
1. 词义:预测测试,先行测试
2. 同义词:preliminary examination
3. 反义词:posttest
1. 词义:(教育)预先测试,先行测试
2. 用法:在美国英语中,pretest更常用
1. 词义:(教育)预测试,先行测试
2. 用法:在英国英语中,pretest更常用
- The students were given a pretest to assess their knowledge before starting the course.(在开课前给学生们进行了一次预先测试以评估他们的知识水平。)
- She took a pretest to determine her level of proficiency in the language.(她参加了一次预测试以确定她在该语言方面的熟练程度。)
- The pretest results will be used as a baseline for comparison with the posttest results.(预测试结果将作为与后测结果进行比较的基准。)
- Participants were asked to complete a pretest questionnaire before the start of the experiment.(参与者在实验开始前被要求填写一份预测试问卷。)
- Before implementing any changes, a pretest was conducted to measure the current performance.(在实施任何改变之前,进行了一次预测试以衡量当前的绩效。)
- They decided to pretest the new drug on a small sample of patients.(他们决定在少数患者中进行新药的预先测试。)
- The pretest scores revealed a wide range of abilities among the students.(预测试成绩显示学生们的能力差异很大。)
- The pretest phase of the study involved collecting data from a control group.(研究的预测试阶段涉及从一个对照组收集数据。)
- Based on the pretest results, the researchers modified the experimental design.(根据预测试结果,研究人员修改了实验设计。)
- She scored high on the pretest, indicating a strong foundation in the subject.(她在预测试中得分很高,表明她在该科目上有很好的基础。)
- The pretest helped identify areas of weakness that needed to be addressed.(预测试帮助确定需要解决的薄弱环节。)
- The pretest is designed to assess students' prior knowledge before starting the course.(预测试旨在评估学生在开课前的先前知识。)
- The pretest group and the control group were compared to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention.(对比预测试组和对照组以评估干预措施的有效性。)
- Before conducting the experiment, a pretest was administered to establish a baseline.(在进行实验之前,进行了一次预测试以建立基准。)
- The pretest results indicated a significant improvement in the students' understanding of the topic.(预测试结果表明学生对该课题的理解有了显著的提高。)
- Participants were randomly assigned to either the pretest or posttest group.(参与者被随机分配到预测试组或后测组。)
- The pretest measures the participants' initial knowledge before any intervention is introduced.(预测试测量参与者在任何干预措施引入之前的初始知识水平。)
- The pretest scores will be compared to the posttest scores to assess the effectiveness of the intervention.(将预测试成绩与后测成绩进行比较,以评估干预措施的有效性。)
- The pretest phase of the study involved administering a questionnaire to gather data.(研究的预测试阶段涉及对参与者进行问卷调查以收集数据。)
- Before starting the treatment, the patients underwent a pretest to establish a baseline.(在开始治疗之前,患者进行了一次预测试以建立基准。)