1. (植物叶子)螺旋状卷曲的
2. (数学曲线)渐开线的
3. (动物体)内卷的
1. 渐开线
2. 内卷物
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
- If something is involute, it is very complicated and difficult to understand because it has many parts or details.
- An involute is a curve that winds around a point in such a way that every line drawn from the point to the curve is tangential to the curve.
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
- (of a leaf or similar structure) having a margin that is rolled or curved inwards.
- Complex or intricate.
- A curve obtained from another given curve by one of a number of methods.
1. The leaf of this plant is involute, with a curved margin.
2. The involute design of the sculpture is mesmerizing.
1. The involute structure of the seashell is fascinating.(螺壳的内卷结构很吸引人。)
2. The involute pattern of the carpet adds a touch of elegance to the room.(地毯的内卷图案给房间增添了一丝优雅。)
3. The leaves of this fern are involute, giving them a unique appearance.(这种蕨类植物的叶子内卷,使其具有独特的外观。)
4. The artist created an intricate involute design for the book cover.(艺术家为书封设计了一个复杂的内卷图案。)
5. The involute curve is formed by tracing a line from a fixed point on a given curve.(内卷曲线是通过从给定曲线上的一个固定点追踪一条线而形成的。)
6. The mathematician studied the properties of the involute of a circle.(数学家研究了圆的渐开线的性质。)
7. The involutes of the original shape were used to create a series of interconnected patterns.(利用原始形状的渐开线创建了一系列相互连接的图案。)
8. The artist used the concept of involute to create a sculpture that appeared to be constantly moving.(艺术家运用渐开线的概念创作了一座看起来不断移动的雕塑。)
9. The involute of the curve resembled the shape of a seashell.(渐开线的形状类似于海贝壳的形状。)
10. The engineer used an involute gear design for the machinery.(工程师为机械采用了渐开线齿轮设计。)
11. The involute shape of the staircase added an interesting element to the architecture.(楼梯的渐开线形状为建筑增添了一个有趣的元素。)
12. The involute pattern on the wallpaper created a sense of movement in the room.(壁纸上的渐开线图案在房间里营造出一种运动感。)
13. The mathematician explained the concept of involute to the students using a visual demonstration.(数学家通过视觉演示向学生解释了渐开线的概念。)
14. The artist used an involute brushstroke to create texture and depth in the painting.(艺术家使用渐开线的画笔笔触在绘画中创造了质感和深度。)
15. The engineer designed an involute cam for the mechanical system.(工程师为机械系统设计了一个渐开线凸轮。)
16. The involute curve has many applications in engineering and design.(渐开线曲线在工程和设计中有许多应用。)
17. The designer incorporated an involute pattern into the fabric of the dress.(设计师将渐开线图案融入到连衣裙的面料中。)
18. The involute of a circle is a classic mathematical curve.(圆的渐开线是一条经典的数学曲线。)
19. The artist used the concept of involute to create an optical illusion in the painting.(艺术家利用渐开线的概念在绘画中创造了一种视觉上的错觉。)
20. The involute shape of the sculpture drew attention from all who passed by.(雕塑的渐开线形状引起了所有经过的人的注意。)