proportionality 翻译介绍
形容词: 1. 比例的,相称的(与其他部分或因素相称或成比例的) 2. 相称的,相当的(与某事物的大小、重要性或程度相称的) 名词: 1. 相称性,比例性(两个或多个量、部分、因素之间的相称或成比例关系) 2. (在法律中)相称原则(指行为或处罚的严重程度与所追求的目标相称的原则)词语辨析
proportionality 与 proportion 的区别在于前者强调相称性或比例性的属性,后者仅指比例关系。词汇扩充
1. proportionally (adverb):相称地,成比例地 2. disproportionate (adjective):不成比例的,不相称的 3. proportionate (adjective):成比例的,相称的近义词
correspondence, correlation, balance, symmetry反义词
disproportionate, imbalance, asymmetry柯林斯词典
形容词 proportionality 1. If there is proportionality between two things, they both change at the same rate so that the relationship between them does not change. 2. If you say that something is proportionate, you mean that it is appropriate in size, degree, or amount in relation to something else. 名词 proportionality 1. Proportionality is the quality of being proportionate. 2. In law, the proportionality principle states that any punishment imposed should be proportionate to the crime committed.牛津词典
形容词 proportionality 1. The quality, state, or fact of being proportional. 2. Corresponding in size or amount to something else. 名词 proportionality 1. The state or principle of being in proportion. 2. The principle that the punishment imposed for a crime or the penalty imposed for a breach of rules should be proportionate to the severity of the offense.用法
例句: 1. The principle of proportionality is fundamental to the legal system.相称原则对于法律体系至关重要。 2. The punishment should be proportionate to the crime committed.
处罚应与所犯罪行相称。 3. There is a lack of proportionality between the amount of work and the payment received.
工作量与所得报酬之间缺乏比例关系。 其他例句:
- The length of the line is directly proportional to its width. (线段的长度与宽度成正比。)
- The punishment should be proportionate to the offense committed. (处罚应当与所犯罪行相称。)
- There is a proportional relationship between the number of hours worked and the amount earned. (工作的小时数与所赚金额之间存在比例关系。)
- The government aims to achieve proportionality in the distribution of resources. (政府旨在实现资源分配的相称性。)
- She believes in the principle of proportionality when it comes to taxation. (在涉及税收问题时,她坚持比例原则。)
- The punishment imposed by the court should be proportionate to the severity of the crime. (法院所判处的刑罚应当与犯罪的严重性相称。)
- There is a lack of proportionality in the allocation of funding for education. (教育经费分配缺乏比例性。)
- The size of the house is not proportionate to the price being asked. (房屋的大小与所要求的价格不成比例。)
- The proportionality of the parts in the machine is crucial for its proper functioning. (机器中零件的比例性对其正常运行至关重要。)
- They argued that the punishment was disproportionate to the offense. (他们认为处罚与罪行不成比例。)
- Proportionality is a key principle in architectural design. (比例性是建筑设计的一个关键原则。)
- The proportionality of ingredients is essential for a successful recipe. (成分的比例对于成功的食谱至关重要。)
- The court will consider the principle of proportionality when deciding on the appropriate sentence. (法庭在决定适当的刑罚时将考虑比例原则。)
- The proportionality of the artwork is visually pleasing. (艺术作品的比例美观。)
- There is a lack of proportionality between the time spent studying and the grades achieved. (学习时间与取得的成绩之间缺乏比例关系。)
- She believes in the idea of proportionality in relationships - giving as much as you receive. (她坚信关系中的比例原则——付出与收获相当。)
- There needs to be proportionality in the distribution of resources to ensure fairness. (需要在资源分配中确保比例性,以保证公平。)
- The proportionality of the painting is well-balanced and visually appealing. (这幅画的比例平衡且视觉吸引人。)
- They argued that the punishment was not proportionate to the severity of the crime. (他们认为处罚与罪行的严重性不相称。)
- The proportionality of the furniture in the room creates a harmonious atmosphere. (房间里家具的比例营造出和谐的氛围。)
- The principle of proportionality is applied in determining the appropriate compensation for damages. (比例原则被用于确定适当的损害赔偿。)