1. These的形容词形式,表示“这些”的意思。
2. Thesis的形容词形式,表示“有关论文的”或“有关学术论文的”。
1. 论文;学术论文。
2. 论题;命题。
3. 论点;主题;观点。
4. 伦理学中指论证过程中的论点。
5. 复数形式,表示“多个论点”或“多个主题”。
1. antithesis:对立面
2. hypothesis:假设
3. synthesis:综合;合成
论文:paper, treatise
命题:proposition, theme
thesis [ˈθiːsɪs]
1. A thesis is an idea or theory that is expressed as a statement and is discussed in a logical way.
例句:The central thesis of his lecture was that psychological problems are always related to specific social contexts.
2. A thesis is a long piece of writing based on your own ideas and research that you do as part of a university degree.
例句:He was awarded his PhD for a thesis on industrial robots.
3. A thesis is a long piece of writing that someone writes as a punishment for a crime.
例句:He was sentenced to life in prison for a thesis of a particularly brutal murder.
thesis [ˈθi:sis]
1. A statement or theory that is put forward as a premise to be maintained or proved.
例句:His central thesis is that crime is up because children do not learn self-control.
2. A long essay or dissertation involving personal research, written by a candidate for a university degree.
例句:She is currently completing her thesis on the topic of gender roles in Shakespeare's plays.
3. A proposition supported or maintained by argument.
例句:He sets out to prove his thesis that all religious bodies are cults.
4. (in Hegelian philosophy) a proposition forming the first stage in the process of dialectical reasoning.
例句:The synthesis does not replace the thesis but incorporates it.
5. A long essay or dissertation involving personal research, written by a candidate for a college degree.
例句:She is currently working on her thesis in the field of environmental science.
1. 单数形式:thesis
2. 复数形式:theses
3. thesis作为名词时,常用于学术、科研或论文写作领域。
4. thesis作为名词时,可指一个论点、一个命题,也可指一篇长篇论文。
5. thesis作为形容词时,表示“有关论文的”或“有关学术论文的”。
- His thesis on environmental conservation was highly praised by his professors. (他的环境保护论文受到导师们的高度赞扬。)
- I need to defend my thesis in front of the committee next week. (下周我需要在委员会面前答辩我的论文。)
- She is currently conducting research for her doctoral thesis. (她目前正在为她的博士论文进行研究。)
- The professor helped me refine my thesis statement. (教授帮助我完善我的论文陈述。)
- My thesis argues that globalization has both positive and negative effects on the economy. (我的论文认为全球化对经济既有积极影响也有消极影响。)
- The thesis of his book is that happiness is a choice. (他书中的论点是幸福是一种选择。)
- She is currently writing her master's thesis on the topic of artificial intelligence. (她目前正在撰写关于人工智能的硕士论文。)
- The thesis of his argument is that technology is detrimental to human interaction. (他论证的主题是技术对人类交流有害。)
- Her thesis explores the impact of social media on mental health. (她的论文探讨了社交媒体对心理健康的影响。)
- He presented a strong thesis in his research paper. (他在研究论文中提出了一个强有力的论点。)
- Please submit your theses to the department office by the deadline. (请在截止日期前将你们的论文提交到系办公室。)
- The professor encouraged me to develop my thesis further and submit it for publication. (教授鼓励我进一步发展我的论文并提交出版。)
- His thesis examines the historical context of the Renaissance. (他的论文研究了文艺复兴的历史背景。)
- The student defended her thesis successfully and was awarded her degree. (学生成功地答辩了她的论文,并获得了学位。)
- His thesis challenged conventional wisdom and sparked a lively debate. (他的论点挑战了常识,并引发了一场激烈的辩论。)
- The thesis of the novel revolves around the theme of identity. (这部小说的主题围绕着身份展开。)
- She presented her thesis at an international conference on linguistics. (她在一次国际语言学会议上发表了她的论文。)
- The thesis statement is the foundation of a well-structured essay. (论文陈述是一篇结构良好的文章的基础。)
- His thesis received widespread attention in the scientific community. (他的论文在科学界引起了广泛关注。)
- Writing a thesis requires extensive research and critical thinking. (撰写论文需要进行广泛的研究和批判性思维。)