- 形容词:会计审查的
- 名词1:会计审查(指对财务记录、报表和账目进行详细检查和评估的过程)
- 名词2:会计复核(指对财务报表、凭证等进行核对和审核的过程)
accounting review (noun) - a formal examination of an organization's or individual's financial records to ensure their accuracy and compliance with regulations
accounting review (noun) - an examination and evaluation of a company's financial records or other financial information to ensure their accuracy and compliance with regulations
例句1: The accounting review revealed several errors in the financial statements.(会计审查发现了财务报表中的几处错误。)
例句2: The company hired an external firm to conduct an accounting review.(公司聘请外部公司进行会计审查。)
- The accounting review process involves a thorough examination of financial records.(会计审查过程包括对财务记录的彻底检查。)
- He is responsible for conducting an accounting review of the company's books.(他负责对公司的账簿进行会计审查。)
- The accounting review revealed discrepancies in the balance sheet.(会计审查揭示了资产负债表中的差异。)
- After the accounting review, the auditors issued a report highlighting areas of concern.(会计审查结束后,审计师发布了一份强调关注领域的报告。)
- The accounting review process is essential for ensuring the accuracy of financial statements.(会计审查过程对确保财务报表的准确性至关重要。)
- The accounting review team identified several irregularities in the company's financial records.(会计审查团队在公司的财务记录中发现了几个不规范之处。)
- She was hired as a consultant to perform an accounting review of the organization.(她被聘为顾问,对该组织进行会计审查。)
- The accounting review revealed fraudulent activities within the company.(会计审查揭示了公司内部的欺诈活动。)
- The accounting review process requires attention to detail and accuracy.(会计审查过程需要注意细节和准确性。)
- The accounting review showed that the company's financial position was stronger than expected.(会计审查显示公司的财务状况比预期要好。)
- As part of the accounting review, the auditors interviewed key personnel in the finance department.(作为会计审查的一部分,审计师对财务部门的关键人员进行了面试。)
- The accounting review process can help identify areas for improvement in financial management.(会计审查过程可以帮助识别财务管理的改进方向。)
- During the accounting review, the auditors discovered discrepancies in the company's expense reports.(在会计审查期间,审计师发现了公司费用报告中的差异。)
- The accounting review is conducted annually to ensure compliance with accounting standards.(会计审查每年进行一次,以确保符合会计准则。)
- The accounting review process involves analyzing financial data and identifying trends.(会计审查过程涉及分析财务数据和确定趋势。)
- The accounting review team recommended changes to the company's internal controls.(会计审查团队建议对公司的内部控制进行改变。)
- The accounting review confirmed that the financial statements were prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.(会计审查确认财务报表是按照普遍公认的会计原则编制的。)
- As part of the accounting review, the auditors assessed the company's risk management practices.(作为会计审查的一部分,审计师评估了公司的风险管理实践。)
- The accounting review process can help detect errors and fraud in financial records.(会计审查过程可以帮助发现财务记录中的错误和欺诈。)
- The accounting review identified areas where the company could improve its financial performance.(会计审查确定了公司可以改进财务绩效的领域。)