1. 需求量大的;受欢迎的
英文释义:being in great demand or highly sought after
- He is an indemand speaker at conferences.(他是会议上备受欢迎的演讲者。)
- These indemand products sell out quickly.(这些受欢迎的产品很快就卖光了。)
- The company offers indemand services to its customers.(该公司为客户提供受欢迎的服务。)
1. 需求;需求量
英文释义:the desire or need of people for a particular product or service
- The indemand for organic food has been increasing.(对有机食品的需求一直在增加。)
- The company is struggling to meet the indemand for its latest product.(公司正努力满足对其最新产品的需求。)
- The indemand for skilled workers is high in this industry.(这个行业对熟练工人的需求很高。)
indemand与highly sought after的区别在于,indemand更强调需求量大,而highly sought after则更强调受欢迎程度高。
相关词汇:popular, sought after, in vogue, trendy, popularized
demanding, popular, sought after, trendy, in vogue
unpopular, unwanted, out of demand
indemand 【形容词】
- 受欢迎的;需求量大的
indemand 【名词】
- 需求
indemand 【形容词】
- 需求大的;受欢迎的
indemand 【名词】
- 需求量
- The indemand for organic food is increasing rapidly.(对有机食品的需求正在迅速增长。)
- These sneakers are indemand among teenagers.(这些运动鞋在青少年中很受欢迎。)
- The indemand for skilled workers is driving up wages in this industry.(对熟练工人的需求推高了这个行业的工资。)
- This book is indemand at the local bookstore.(这本书在当地书店很受欢迎。)
- The indemand for online learning has surged during the pandemic.(在疫情期间,对在线学习的需求激增。)
- She is an indemand actress in Hollywood.(她是好莱坞备受青睐的演员。)
- There is an indemand for renewable energy sources.(对可再生能源的需求很大。)
- He is an indemand speaker at industry conferences.(他是行业会议上备受欢迎的演讲者。)
- The indemand for luxury cars has declined due to the economic downturn.(由于经济衰退,对豪华汽车的需求有所下降。)
- The indemand for home fitness equipment has skyrocketed.(家庭健身设备的需求量飙升。)
- The company is struggling to keep up with the indemand for its latest product.(该公司正努力跟上对其最新产品的需求。)
- These concert tickets are indemand and sell out quickly.(这些音乐会门票很抢手,很快就卖光了。)
- The indemand for skilled tradespeople is high in the construction industry.(建筑行业对熟练技工的需求很高。)
- She turned down a job offer because she was already indemand.(她拒绝了一份工作机会,因为她已经备受青睐了。)
- The indemand for organic beauty products is growing.(对有机美容产品的需求正在增长。)
- He is an indemand photographer for fashion magazines.(他是时尚杂志备受青睐的摄影师。)
- There is an indemand for affordable housing in the city.(这个城市对经济适用房的需求很大。)
- The indemand for remote work has increased due to the COVID-19 pandemic.(由于COVID-19疫情,对远程工作的需求增加了。)
- These limited edition sneakers are highly indemand.(这些限量版运动鞋非常抢手。)
- The indemand for eco-friendly products is on the rise.(对环保产品的需求正在上升。)