traditional Chinese
1. 传统的;传统式的
1. 传统汉字;繁体字
2. 中国传统文化
传统汉字 vs. 简体汉字
Traditional Chinese characters refer to the evolved forms of Chinese characters, such as traditional characters, mainly used in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau. Simplified Chinese characters are simplified forms of characters promoted and used in mainland China.
传统中国服饰(traditional Chinese clothing)
传统中国音乐(traditional Chinese music)
传统中国建筑(traditional Chinese architecture)
经典中文(classical Chinese)
古老的中文(ancient Chinese)
现代中文(modern Chinese)
简体中文(simplified Chinese)
traditional Chinese (adj.)
If you refer to traditional Chinese medicine or art, you are referring to the ancient, complex medical or artistic theories and practices that originated in China and that are still followed by many people today.
traditional Chinese (adj.)
Relating to or based on the customs, beliefs, or arts of China over a long period, especially ancient customs or beliefs that have continued into modern times.
- 这幅画采用了传统中国绘画风格。
- The painting is done in a traditional Chinese style.
- 他们遵循传统中式的婚礼仪式。
- They followed a traditional Chinese wedding ceremony.
- 在台湾,人们仍然使用传统中文。
- In Taiwan, people still use traditional Chinese.
- 学习传统中文可以帮助人们更好地理解中国传统文化。
- Learning traditional Chinese can help people better understand Chinese traditional culture.
- 他对传统中国艺术深感兴趣。
- He is deeply interested in traditional Chinese art.
- 她穿着一身漂亮的传统中国服饰。
- She was wearing a beautiful traditional Chinese costume.
- 这本书介绍了传统中国医学的基本原理。
- This book introduces the basic principles of traditional Chinese medicine.
- 他们用传统中文写信交流。
- They communicate through letters written in traditional Chinese.
- 这座宫殿是传统中国建筑的典范。
- This palace is an example of traditional Chinese architecture.
- 她学习了传统中文乐器。
- She learned to play a traditional Chinese musical instrument.
- 他的书架上摆满了传统中国文学作品。
- His bookshelf is filled with traditional Chinese literary works.
- 他们参观了传统中文书法展览。
- They visited an exhibition of traditional Chinese calligraphy.
- 我对传统中文有着浓厚的兴趣。
- I have a strong interest in traditional Chinese.
- 她的礼服是传统中国刺绣工艺的杰作。
- Her gown is a masterpiece of traditional Chinese embroidery.
- 他通过学习传统中文文化,更好地了解了中国。
- By studying traditional Chinese culture, he gained a better understanding of China.
- 她很喜欢传统中国绘画的细腻之处。
- She appreciates the delicacy of traditional Chinese painting.
- 他们在传统节日上会穿着传统中国服饰。
- They wear traditional Chinese costumes on traditional festivals.
- 他们正在学习传统中文医学的研究方法。
- They are studying research methods in traditional Chinese medicine.
- 我喜欢传统中国音乐的独特韵味。
- I enjoy the unique charm of traditional Chinese music.
- 他们在学校里开设传统中文课程。
- They offer traditional Chinese courses at the school.
- 他们研究了传统中国哲学的思想体系。
- They studied the philosophical system of traditional Chinese thought.