playgoer [ˈpleɪˌɡəʊə(r)]
theatergoer, theatre-goer, drama enthusiast
non-theatergoer, non-theatre-goer
playgoer (ˈpleɪˌɡəʊə)
playgoer /ˈpleɪˌɡəʊə/
1. He is a dedicated playgoer and attends every performance at the local theater. (他是一个热衷于戏剧的观众,每场当地剧院的演出他都会去看。)
2. As a playgoer, she appreciates the artistry and craftsmanship of theater productions. (作为一个戏剧观众,她欣赏剧院演出的艺术性和工艺性。)
3. Being a playgoer allows me to escape my everyday life and immerse myself in the world of theater. (成为一个戏剧观众使我能够逃离日常生活,沉浸在戏剧的世界中。)
4. I've been a playgoer for many years and have seen countless performances. (我多年来一直是一个戏剧观众,看过无数场演出。)
5. The playgoer eagerly bought tickets to the new play that everyone was raving about. (这位戏剧观众急切地购买了大家都在夸赞的新戏的门票。)
6. She became a playgoer after her first visit to the theater and fell in love with the magic of live performances. (在第一次去剧院后,她成了一个戏剧观众,并且爱上了现场表演的魔力。)
7. The local theater offers discounted tickets for playgoers who attend multiple shows in a season. (当地剧院为在一个季度内观看多场演出的戏剧观众提供打折票。)
8. He has a vast collection of programs and ticket stubs as a testament to his life as a dedicated playgoer. (作为一个热衷于戏剧的观众,他拥有大量的节目单和票根,这是对他的生活的证明。)
9. The playgoers applauded enthusiastically at the end of the play, showing their appreciation for the cast's performance. (戏剧观众在剧终时热烈鼓掌,表达对演员表演的赞赏。)
10. The theater offers special benefits and discounts to frequent playgoers as a way to thank them for their continued support. (剧院向经常观看戏剧的观众提供特殊福利和折扣,以感谢他们的持续支持。)
11. The playgoing community in this city is vibrant and diverse, with a wide range of performances to choose from. (这个城市的戏剧观众群体活力四射、多样化,有很多演出可供选择。)
12. Her passion for theater and being a playgoer led her to pursue a career in acting. (她对戏剧的热情和观看戏剧的经历使她追求了演艺事业。)
13. The playgoer was captivated by the emotional performances of the actors on stage. (戏剧观众被舞台上演员的情感表演所吸引。)
14. The local theater hosts events and discussions for playgoers to engage with the theater community and deepen their understanding of the art form. (当地剧院举办活动和讨论会,供戏剧观众与戏剧社群互动,深化对这种艺术形式的理解。)
15. The playgoer eagerly awaited the premiere of the highly anticipated play. (这位戏剧观众热切期待备受期待的新剧的首演。)
16. The theater offers a variety of plays to cater to different tastes and attract a diverse group of playgoers. (剧院提供各种各样的戏剧以满足不同口味的观众,并吸引多样化的戏剧观众群体。)
17. The playgoer was deeply moved by the powerful performances and thought-provoking themes of the play. (这位戏剧观众被那部剧的强烈表演和发人深省的主题所感动。)
18. The local theater organizes special events and backstage tours for playgoers to get a behind-the-scenes look at the production process. (当地剧院为戏剧观众组织特别活动和后台参观,让他们深入了解舞台剧的制作过程。)
19. The playgoer appreciated the attention to detail in the set design and costumes of the play. (这位戏剧观众欣赏剧中布景设计和服装的细节。)
20. The playgoer enjoys the anticipation and excitement of not knowing what to expect when attending a new play. (这位戏剧观众喜欢参加一部新戏时的期待和兴奋,不知道会发生什么。)