digit 作为形容词时,表示与手指或脚趾有关的。例句:
- She pointed with a digit at the map.(她用手指着地图。)
- He wore a digit ring on his little finger.(他戴着一个戒指在小指上。)
digit 作为名词时,有以下几种不同含义:1. 数字
作为名词,digit 表示一个数字。例句:
- Can you write the digits from 0 to 9?(你能写出从0到9的数字吗?)
- The password must contain at least one digit.(密码必须包含至少一个数字。)
2. 手指或脚趾
作为名词,digit 还可以表示手指或脚趾。例句:
- She counted on her fingers, using each digit to represent a different number.(她用手指数数,每个手指代表一个不同的数字。)
- The artist painted the delicate details of the hand, paying special attention to each digit.(画家绘制了手部的精细细节,特别关注每根手指。)
digit 与 number 的区别在于,digit 强调的是单个的数字,而 number 则指的是一串数字。例句:
- The lock code requires you to enter four digits.(锁的密码要求你输入四个数字。)
- The phone number consists of ten digits.(电话号码由十个数字组成。)
以下是与 digit 相关的词汇扩充:- digital:数字的,数码的
- digitalize:数字化
- digitize:将...转换为数字形式
- digitally:数字化地
digit 的近义词包括:figure、numeral、number。例句:
- Please write the figure, not the word.(请写数字,不要写字。)
- Can you tell me the numeral representation of this number?(你能告诉我这个数字的数字符号表示吗?)
digit 的反义词是:letter。例句:
- Is the password case-sensitive? Are uppercase letters allowed, or only digits?(密码区分大小写吗?能使用大写字母吗,还是只能使用数字?)
在柯林斯词典中,digit 的解释为:A digit is a written symbol for any of the numbers 0 to 9.牛津词典
在牛津词典中,digit 的解释为:Any of the numerals from 0 to 9, especially when forming part of a number.用法
digit 作为名词的用法较为常见,用来表示一个数字、手指或脚趾。作为形容词时,用来形容与手指或脚趾有关的事物。相关例句
- He has a tattoo of a digit on his wrist.(他手腕上有一个数字的纹身。)
- She used her thumb as a digit to press the button.(她用拇指作为手指按下按钮。)
- The toddler is learning to count and can now recognize some digits.(这个幼儿正在学习数数,现在能够认识一些数字。)
- He lost feeling in his digits after the accident.(事故后,他的手指失去了感觉。)
- Please write your phone number, including the area code and all digits.(请写下你的电话号码,包括区号和所有数字。)
- She has a beautiful engagement ring with a large diamond in the center and small digits on the band.(她有一个漂亮的订婚戒指,中间有一个大钻石,戒指上有一些小的数字。)
- The computer scientist is working on a program to digitize handwritten documents.(计算机科学家正在开发一个将手写文件数字化的程序。)
- He prefers to read books in digital format rather than printed copies.(他更喜欢阅读数字格式的书籍,而不是印刷品。)
- She has a collection of old vinyl records that she plans to digitize.(她有一套老旧的黑胶唱片,打算进行数字化处理。)
- The teacher asked the students to write their names and digits on the top of the test paper.(老师要求学生在试卷上方写上他们的姓名和数字。)
- He has a habit of drumming his digits on the table when he is thinking.(他有一个习惯,思考时会用手指敲击桌子。)
- She has long, slender digits that are perfect for playing the piano.(她有修长纤细的手指,非常适合弹钢琴。)
- He used his big toe as a digit to pick up the pen from the floor.(他用他的大脚趾作为手指从地板上拾起笔。)
- The document was scanned and converted into a digital file.(该文件已被扫描并转换为数字文件。)
- She has a digital watch that displays the time in both analog and digital formats.(她有一只数字手表,可以用模拟和数字格式显示时间。)
- The company is investing in digital marketing strategies to reach a wider audience.(该公司正在投资数字营销策略,以触达更广泛的受众。)
- The child is learning to count and can now identify digits from one to ten.(这个孩子正在学习数数,现在能够识别出从一到十的数字。)
- He has a collection of antique clocks, each with unique hour digits.(他有一套古董钟表,每个钟表上的小时数字都是独特的。)
- She entered her PIN using the keypad, pressing the digits carefully.(她使用键盘输入了她的个人识别号码,仔细按下数字。)
- Can you type the digits of your credit card number?(你能输入你的信用卡号码的数字吗?)
- The computer program converts the analog signal into a series of digital digits.(计算机程序将模拟信号转换为一系列数字。)