1. 不利的;不适宜的
2. 不喜欢的;讨厌的
3. 令人不快的;不受欢迎的
4. 逆境的;困难的
unfavourably (副词):不利地;不适宜地
unfavourableness (名词):不利;不适宜
adverse, disadvantageous, unfavorable
favourable, favorable, advantageous, positive
unfavourable (adjective)
- 不利的;不适宜的
- 不喜欢的;讨厌的
- 令人不快的;不受欢迎的
- 逆境的;困难的
unfavourable (adjective)
- 不利的;不适宜的
- 不喜欢的;讨厌的
- 逆境的;困难的
1. The weather conditions are unfavourable for outdoor activities. (天气条件不适宜户外活动。)
2. The company received unfavourable reviews from the customers. (公司收到了顾客的不满意评价。)
3. She had an unfavourable impression of him after their first meeting. (他们第一次见面后,她对他产生了不喜欢的印象。)
- The project faced unfavourable economic conditions, resulting in its cancellation. (该项目面临不利的经济条件,因此被取消。)
- The team's performance was greatly affected by the unfavourable weather. (团队的表现受到了不利天气的极大影响。)
- His unfavourable attitude towards the proposal made it difficult to reach a consensus. (他对该提案持有不赞成的态度,使得达成共识变得困难。)
- The company's financial report showed unfavourable results for the last quarter. (公司的财务报告显示上个季度的结果不佳。)
- The candidate's unfavourable reputation among voters affected his chances of winning the election. (候选人在选民中的不受欢迎声誉影响了他赢得选举的机会。)
- Her unfavourable opinion of the movie was based on its poor script and acting. (她对这部电影的不喜欢意见是基于它糟糕的剧本和演技。)
- The unfavourable exchange rate made it expensive for tourists to visit the country. (不利的汇率使得游客来该国旅游变得昂贵。)
- The company's decision to downsize had unfavourable consequences for many employees. (公司缩小规模的决定对许多员工产生了不利的后果。)
- The unfavourable conditions forced the athletes to cancel the outdoor event. (不利的条件迫使运动员取消了户外活动。)
- The survey revealed an unfavourable response from the majority of participants. (调查显示大多数参与者对此持不赞同态度。)
- Her unfavourable appearance made it difficult for her to find a job in the modeling industry. (她不受欢迎的外貌使她在模特行业找工作很困难。)
- The company's unfavourable financial situation led to a decrease in investor confidence. (公司不利的财务状况导致投资者信心下降。)
- The unfavourable outcome of the negotiation disappointed both parties involved. (谈判的不利结果令双方都感到失望。)
- The unfavourable reviews of the restaurant discouraged potential customers from dining there. (对该餐厅的不满意评论使潜在顾客望而却步。)
- The team faced unfavourable circumstances but still managed to achieve victory. (团队面临不利的情况,但仍然成功取得了胜利。)
- His unfavourable attitude towards learning hindered his academic progress. (他对学习的不喜欢态度阻碍了他的学业进展。)
- The unfavourable public opinion towards the government affected its popularity. (公众对政府的不赞成意见影响了其受欢迎程度。)
- The company's unfavourable reputation in the market made it difficult to attract new clients. (该公司在市场上不受欢迎的声誉使其难以吸引新客户。)
- The unfavourable business environment forced many small businesses to close down. (不利的商业环境迫使许多小企业关闭。)
- Her unfavourable comments about the book discouraged others from reading it. (她对这本书的不满评价使其他人对它失去了阅读兴趣。)