drug addict (名词)
中文翻译: 药物成瘾者
1. someone who is addicted to drugs and cannot stop taking them
2. a person who is dependent on drugs and has a compulsive desire to use them
drug-addicted (形容词)
中文翻译: 对药物上瘾的
1. addicted to drugs; dependent on drugs
2. characterized by or resulting from drug addiction
drug addict 和 drug-addicted 均表示“对药物上瘾的”,在名词和形容词之间有相互转化的关系。
1. drug dependence (药物依赖): a physical or psychological need for drugs, often resulting in addiction
2. substance abuse (物质滥用): the excessive use of drugs or alcohol, often leading to addiction
3. drug rehabilitation (戒毒): the process of medical or psychotherapeutic treatment for dependency on drugs
drug user (药物使用者), drug abuser (药物滥用者)
non-addict (非成瘾者)
Collins Dictionary Definition:
A drug addict is someone who cannot stop taking illegal drugs or the wrong type of legal drugs. They need medical treatment to stop taking drugs.
Oxford Dictionary Definition:
A person who is addicted to drugs.
- The government has implemented programs to help drug addicts recover and reintegrate into society. (政府已经实施了帮助药物成瘾者康复并重新融入社会的项目。)
- She became a drug addict after her injury and struggled to overcome her addiction. (她在受伤后成了一个药物成瘾者,努力战胜了她的瘾。)
- He has been living on the streets for years and is now a homeless drug addict. (他已经在街头生活了几年,现在成了一个无家可归的药物成瘾者。)
- Drug addiction is a serious public health issue that requires comprehensive intervention. (药物成瘾是一个严重的公共卫生问题,需要全面干预。)
- She attended a rehabilitation center to receive treatment for her drug addiction. (她去了一个戒毒中心接受治疗。)
- The documentary explores the struggles faced by drug addicts and their journey towards recovery. (这部纪录片探讨了药物成瘾者所面临的挑战以及他们康复的过程。)
- He was arrested for possession of illegal substances and identified as a drug addict. (他因为持有非法物质而被逮捕,被认定为一个药物成瘾者。)
- Drug-addicted individuals require support and understanding to overcome their addiction. (对于药物上瘾的人来说,他们需要支持和理解来克服他们的瘾。)
- They provide counseling services for drug addicts and their families. (他们为药物成瘾者及其家人提供咨询服务。)
- Her life took a downward spiral after she became a drug addict. (她成为药物成瘾者后,她的生活开始了一个下降的螺旋。)
- Drug addicts often face social stigma and discrimination. (药物成瘾者经常面临社会歧视和歧视。)
- The government has implemented policies to reduce drug addiction rates. (政府已经实施了减少药物成瘾率的政策。)
- He has been clean and sober for five years after overcoming his drug addiction. (在战胜药物成瘾后,他已经五年没有药物依赖了。)
- She is a recovering drug addict who now dedicates her life to helping others in similar situations. (她是一个康复的药物成瘾者,现在致力于帮助其他处于类似境地的人们。)
- Drug addiction can have devastating effects on individuals and their families. (药物成瘾对个人及其家庭可能会产生毁灭性的影响。)
- The documentary sheds light on the root causes of drug addiction in society. (这部纪录片揭示了社会中药物成瘾的根本原因。)
- He has successfully overcome his drug addiction and is now a motivational speaker. (他成功战胜了药物成瘾,现在是一位激励演讲者。)
- Support groups are available for drug addicts to share their experiences and seek help. (有支持小组可以供药物成瘾者分享经验和寻求帮助。)
- She was in denial about her drug addiction for a long time before seeking help. (在寻求帮助之前,她对自己的药物成瘾问题一直抱有否认态度。)
- Drug addicts may experience withdrawal symptoms when attempting to quit using drugs. (药物成瘾者在试图戒药时可能会出现戒断症状。)