1. 含义:
1) 道德高尚的;品德优良的
2) 虔诚的;有信仰的
3) 有效的;有益的
4) 贞洁的;纯洁的
5) (女子)贞淑的
2. 词语辨析:
3. 词汇扩充:
1) virtuously (副词):道德高尚地;贞洁地
2) virtuousness (名词):道德高尚;贞洁
3) virtue (名词):德行;美德
4. 近义词:
righteous, moral, ethical, upright, noble
5. 反义词:
wicked, immoral, corrupt
1. 含义:
1) 美德;德行
2) (尤指女性的)贞操;贞洁
2. 词汇扩充:
1) virtuousness (名词):道德高尚;贞洁
2) virtue (名词):德行;美德
形容词 virtuous (ˈvɜːtʃʊəs)
1) Someone who is virtuous behaves in a moral and correct way.
2) Virtuous people act morally or do the right thing.
形容词 virtuous (ˈvəːtʃʊəs)
1) Having or showing high moral standards.
2) (of a woman) Chaste.
3) (of a circle) Contained entirely within a single angle.
1. Be virtuous in your daily life.
2. She is known for her virtuous deeds.
3. He always tries to act in a virtuous manner.
- He is a virtuous man who always helps others. 他是一个总是帮助别人的有德行的人。
- She is a virtuous woman who never compromises on her principles. 她是一个从不在原则问题上妥协的贞洁女子。
- His virtuous act of donating all his wealth to charity impressed everyone. 他将全部财富捐赠给慈善机构的高尚行为给人留下了深刻的印象。
- The virtuous circle of hard work and success is what he believes in. 他坚信努力工作和成功形成良性循环。
- She is admired by everyone for her virtuous and kind-hearted nature. 她因其贞洁和善良的天性而受到大家的赞赏。
- They are a virtuous couple, always supporting and caring for each other. 他们是一对有德行的夫妻,总是相互支持和关心。
- He believes that being virtuous is the key to a happy and fulfilling life. 他相信做一个有德行的人是获得幸福和充实人生的关键。
- Her virtuous behavior has earned her the respect and admiration of her colleagues. 她的品行高尚赢得了同事们的尊重和钦佩。
- A virtuous person always strives to do what is right, regardless of the circumstances. 一个有德行的人总是努力做正确的事情,不管环境如何。
- She is a virtuous and devoted wife who always puts her family first. 她是一个贞洁忠诚的妻子,总是把家庭放在第一位。
- The virtuous cycle of education and economic development is crucial for the progress of any nation. 教育和经济发展的良性循环对于任何国家的进步都至关重要。
- He believes that virtuous actions are essential for personal growth and self-improvement. 他相信对个人成长和自我提升来说,有德行的行为是必不可少的。
- Her virtuous reputation is well-deserved, as she has always been honest and fair in her dealings. 她的品德高尚的声誉是实至名归的,因为她在处理事务时一直诚实公正。
- Being virtuous means having the strength and integrity to do what is right, even in the face of adversity. 做一个有德行的人意味着在逆境中也能有力量和正直地做正确的事情。
- He strives to live a virtuous life, guided by his principles and values. 他努力过有道德的生活,遵循自己的原则和价值观。
- She has always been a virtuous and loyal friend, standing by me through thick and thin. 她一直是一个贞洁忠诚的朋友,无论好坏都与我同在。
- His virtuous behavior has inspired others to follow his example and strive for excellence. 他的品行高尚的行为激励着他人效仿并追求卓越。
- She believes that virtuous actions have the power to bring about positive change in society. 她相信有德行的行为有能力带来社会的积极变化。
- In her virtuousness, she never speaks ill of others or engages in gossip. 她以她的贞洁而闻名,从不说别人的坏话或参与闲言碎语。
- He strives to maintain a virtuous lifestyle, avoiding vices and temptations. 他努力保持有德行的生活方式,避免恶习和诱惑。