1. 男性间的,男同性恋的
- He is in a mantoman relationship with his partner.
- 他和他的伴侣有一段男同性恋关系。
1. 男同性恋者
- He came out as a mantoman last year.
- 他去年公开自己是男同性恋者。
1. manly(形容词):男性间的
- He has a manly physique.
- 他有一副男性间的体格。
1. gay(名词):同性恋者
- He is proud to be a gay.
- 他为成为同性恋者感到自豪。
1. womanwoman(名词):女同性恋者
- She is in a womanwoman relationship with her partner.
- 她和她的伴侣有一段女同性恋关系。
mantoman (adjective)
Definition: between or involving men, especially homosexual men
Example: He is in a mantoman relationship with his partner.
mantoman (noun)
Definition: a homosexual man
Example: He came out as a mantoman last year.
mantoman (adjective)
Definition: involving or relating to men, especially homosexual men
Example: He is in a mantoman relationship with his partner.
mantoman (noun)
Definition: a homosexual man
Example: He came out as a mantoman last year.
1. 该词常用于描述男性间的关系,尤其指男同性恋关系。
2. 作为形容词时,通常放在名词前面。
3. 作为名词时,可用于指代男同性恋者。
- He is in a mantoman relationship with his partner.
他和他的伴侣有一段男同性恋关系。 - They had a mantoman wedding ceremony last month.
他们上个月举行了一场男同性恋婚礼。 - He came out as a mantoman last year.
他去年公开自己是男同性恋者。 - She is proud to have a mantoman son.
她为拥有一个男同性恋的儿子感到自豪。 - He has many mantoman friends who support him.
他有很多支持他的男同性恋朋友。 - The mantoman community is fighting for their rights.
男同性恋群体正在为他们的权利而奋斗。 - He is a mantoman activist and advocate for LGBTQ+ rights.
他是一名男同性恋活动家,也是LGBTQ+权益的倡导者。 - Despite the challenges, he is proud of his mantoman identity.
尽管面临挑战,他为自己的男同性恋身份感到骄傲。 - She wrote a book about her journey as a mantoman.
她写了一本关于她作为男同性恋者的旅程的书。 - He found support and acceptance in the mantoman community.
他在男同性恋社群中找到了支持和接纳。 - They attended a mantoman pride parade together.
他们一起参加了一场男同性恋骄傲游行。 - He is open about his mantoman identity.
他对自己的男同性恋身份持开放态度。 - They are a mantoman couple and have been together for years.
他们是一对男同性恋伴侣,已经在一起多年了。 - He feels a strong sense of belonging in the mantoman community.
他在男同性恋社群中有着强烈的归属感。 - She supports mantoman rights and equality.
她支持男同性恋权益和平等。 - He faced discrimination because of his mantoman identity.
因为他的男同性恋身份,他面临着歧视。 - He is an advocate for mantoman visibility and representation.
他是男同性恋能见度和代表性的倡导者。 - They are proud to be part of the mantoman community.
他们为自己是男同性恋社群的一员感到自豪。 - He came out as mantoman to his family and friends.
他向家人和朋友出柜,说自己是男同性恋者。 - The mantoman movement has made significant progress in recent years.