1. 依赖的;依靠的
reliantly (副词) 依赖地,依靠地
reliance (名词) 依赖,依靠
dependent, reliant on, relying on, counting on
independent, self-reliant, self-sufficient
1. 依赖他人的人
reliant (形容词): Someone who is reliant on something or someone needs them and depends on them in order to survive or be successful.
reliant (名词): Someone who is reliant on something or someone needs them and depends on them in order to survive or be successful.
reliant (形容词): (on/upon something/someone) Needing someone or something in order to survive, be successful, etc.
reliant (名词): A person who relies on someone or something.
1. rely on/upon somebody/something for something
2. be reliant on/upon somebody/something
3. be reliant (on/upon somebody/something) to do something
4. be heavily/reliant on somebody/something
- The country is heavily reliant on imported oil. (这个国家严重依赖进口石油。)
- He is reliant on his parents for financial support. (他依赖父母经济支持。)
- She is reliant on a wheelchair to get around. (她需要轮椅才能移动。)
- They are reliant upon each other for emotional support. (他们互相依靠以获得情感支持。)
- He is reliant on his assistant to organize his schedule. (他依赖助手安排他的日程。)
- Many elderly people are reliant on social welfare. (许多老年人依赖社会福利。)
- She is completely reliant on her husband for income. (她完全依赖丈夫的收入。)
- The success of the project is reliant upon sufficient funding. (项目的成功取决于足够的资金。)
- Children are often reliant on their parents for guidance. (孩子们常常依赖父母的指导。)
- She is reliant upon her computer to do her job. (她依赖电脑来完成工作。)
- He is reliant on his medication to manage his condition. (他依靠药物来控制自己的病情。)
- As a small island nation, they are heavily reliant on fishing for their economy. (作为一个小岛国,他们在经济上严重依赖渔业。)
- The company is reliant on a few key clients for its success. (这家公司依赖几个关键客户的支持来取得成功。)
- The team is heavily reliant on their star player for goals. (这个团队严重依赖他们的明星球员进球。)
- She is reliant on public transportation to commute to work. (她依赖公共交通去上班。)
- He is reliant on his team to achieve their goals. (他依赖团队来实现目标。)
- The success of the business is reliant upon customer satisfaction. (企业的成功依赖于客户满意度。)
- They are reliant on donations to fund their charitable work. (他们依赖捐款来资助他们的慈善工作。)
- She is heavily reliant on her smartphone for communication. (她严重依赖智能手机进行交流。)
- He is reliant on his team's support to win the championship. (他依赖队友的支持来赢得冠军。)