# recive ## 词性:动词 ### 中文翻译:接受,收到 ### 英文释义: 1. **(verb)** to accept or get something that is sent, given, or done to you **词义辨析**:receive 和get 都可以表示“收到”,但receive 更加正式和礼貌。get 是更为普通的用词,也可用于口语和非正式场合。 **词汇扩充**:接收,领取,获得 **近义词**:accept, take, acquire **反义词**:send, give 2. **(verb)** to experience something, especially something unpleasant **词义辨析**:receive 强调接受了某种经历或感受。 **词汇扩充**:遭受,承受 **近义词**:experience, suffer, undergo **反义词**:avoid, escape ## 词性:名词 ### 中文翻译:收件,收到的东西 ### 英文释义: 1. **(noun)** the act of receiving something **词义辨析**:receive 作为名词时表示“接收的行为”。 **词汇扩充**:接收,领取 **近义词**:reception, acceptance, receipt **反义词**:sending, giving 2. **(noun)** something that is received **词义辨析**:receive 作为名词时表示“收到的东西”。 **词汇扩充**:收到的物品 **近义词**:delivery, package, item **反义词**:sending, giving ## 词典解释 - **柯林斯词典**: - **动词 receive** (receives, receiving, received) 1. If you receive something, you get it after someone gives it to you or sends it to you. - He received a letter from the police. - They received a ransom demand for his release. 2. If you receive someone who comes to see you, you go to the door, or to the place where they have arrived, and talk to them or greet them. - He received me very kindly. - We received him with open arms. 3. If a person or place receives someone, they provide a welcome for them when they arrive somewhere. - He will receive the prize from the Queen tomorrow. 4. If someone receives visitors, they allow them to come into their house or their office. - He received a few friends at his house. 5. If a radio or television receives a broadcast, it is able to detect it and change it into sound or pictures. - Televisions and radios were unable to receive the new satellite programmes. - **名词 receive** (plural receives) 1. The receive of a radio or television is the part that detects the broadcast and changes it into sound or pictures. - The TV picture is good when using the built-in receive. 2. When people talk about the receive on a mobile phone, they are referring to the part of the phone that you hold next to your ear in order to listen to the other person. - The sound quality of the receive is excellent. - **牛津词典**: - **动词 receive** (receives, receiving, received) 1. Be given, presented with, or paid (something) - She received a letter from a friend. - He received a $200 fine for speeding. 2. Experience or be subjected to (something, typically something unpleasant, painful, or unwelcome) - The city received heavy bombing in the war. 3. Have (a visitor or guest) - She received a delegation of scientists. 4. Officially accept (a report, a resignation, etc.) - The chairman received the report. 5. Accept or admit to membership, office, or citizenship, typically by conferring certain official rights - He was received into the Catholic Church. - **名词 receive** (plural receives) 1. The action of receiving something or the fact of its being received - The receipt and onward transmission of messages. 2. A quantity or amount received or available for receipt - The company reported a receive of $1.5 million. ## 例句 1. I received an email from my boss this morning. - 我今天早上收到了老板的邮件。 2. The school received a donation of books from a local library. - 学校收到了当地图书馆捐赠的书籍。 3. She received a warm welcome from her colleagues on her first day. - 她在第一天受到了同事们的热烈欢迎。 4. The hotel receptionist received the guests and showed them to their rooms. - 酒店接待员接待了客人并把他们带到了房间。 5. The radio in my car can't receive any FM signals. - 我车上的收音机无法接收到任何FM信号。 6. The city received heavy rainfall last night. - 这个城市昨晚降雨很多。 7. The company received a negative review from a customer. - 公司收到了一位客户的负面评论。 8. The president received a delegation of foreign diplomats. - 总统接见了一批外交官员代表。 9. The committee received the report and discussed its findings. - 委员会接收了报告并讨论了其调查结果。 10. He was received into the club as a new member. - 他被接纳为俱乐部的新成员。 11. The receive of radio signals was improved with the new antenna. - 新天线改善了无线电信号的接收。 12. The sound quality of the mobile phone's receive is excellent. - 手机的听筒声音质量非常好。 13. She received a big promotion at work. - 她在工作中获得了一次重要晋升。 14. I received a gift from my friend on my birthday. - 我生日时收到了朋友的礼物。 15. The company received a record number of job applications. - 公司收到了创纪录的求职申请。 16. The team received a warm reception from their fans after winning the championship. - 球队在赢得冠军后得到了球迷们的热烈欢迎。 17. The hotel received a five-star rating for its excellent service. - 这家酒店因其出色的服务而获得了五星级评级。 18. The email has been received and will be processed shortly. - 邮件已收到,将很快处理。 19. She received several awards for her outstanding performance in the play. - 她因在剧中的出色表现而获得了几个奖项。 20. The charity received a generous donation from a wealthy benefactor. - 这个慈善机构收到了一位富有的捐助人的慷慨捐赠。