1. lien- 中文翻译:有留置权的
- 英文释义:having a legal claim upon a person's property as security for a debt or obligation
1. lien- 中文翻译:留置权
- 英文释义:a right to keep possession of property belonging to another person until a debt owed by that person is discharged
liability vs. lien- liability:指对某种义务或责任的法律负担
- lien:指为债务或义务而对财产施加的法律权益
- claim:指对财产的所有权或权益的主张
- lien:指对财产的留置权
1. possessory lien- 中文翻译:占有留置权
- 英文释义:a lien that allows a person to retain possession of another person's property until a debt is paid
- 中文翻译:平衡留置权
- 英文释义:a lien recognized by a court in the absence of a statutory provision
encumbrance, claim, charge, hypothecation反义词
release, discharge柯林斯词典
1. (法律)留置权;(对财产的)扣押权
1. (法律)保留权利
1. (法律)留置权;(对财产的)扣押权
1. The contractor had a lien on the property until the final payment was made.
2. The bank holds a lien against the car until the loan is repaid.
3. The court recognized the creditor's lien on the debtor's assets.
4. A possessory lien allows the repair shop to keep the customer's car until the bill is settled.
5. The bank asserted its lien on the house and initiated foreclosure proceedings.
6. The subcontractor filed a lien against the construction project for unpaid work.
7. The landlord has a lien on the tenant's security deposit to cover any damages.
8. The court granted an equitable lien to the plaintiff due to the defendant's unjust enrichment.
9. The seller's lien on the artwork prevents its transfer until the purchase price is paid.
10. The company placed a lien on the client's assets as collateral for the outstanding loan.
11. The court ordered the release of the lien on the property after the debt was satisfied.
12. The bank agreed to discharge the lien on the house once the mortgage was paid off.
13. The homeowner sought legal advice to remove the lien on their property.
14. The contractor filed a lien against the homeowner for unpaid construction expenses.
15. The court recognized the subcontractor's lien on the project and ordered payment.
16. The mechanic asserted a possessory lien on the vehicle until the repair bill was settled.
17. The buyer discovered a lien on the property during the title search.
18. The bank placed a lien on the business assets as security for the loan.
19. The court upheld the creditor's lien on the debtor's bank account.
20. The artist retained a lien on the artwork until the final payment was made.