noun: a public or official announcement, especially one dealing with a matter of great importance
adjective: solemn; formal
- proclaim (verb): 宣告,声明
- proclamatory (adjective): 宣告的,声明的
announcement, declaration, pronouncement, edict
concealment, secrecy, suppression
proclamation (noun)
- A proclamation is a public announcement about something important, often about something of national or international importance.
- ...the proclamation of the republic.
- ...the proclamation of martial law.
proclamation (noun)
- A public or official announcement, especially one dealing with a matter of great importance.
- ...the Queen's proclamation.
- ...a proclamation announcing the succession of James to the throne.
The government issued a proclamation declaring a state of emergency. (政府发布了一项宣言,宣布进入紧急状态。)
The mayor made a proclamation to honor the brave firefighters. (市长发表了一项宣言,以表彰勇敢的消防员。)
- The king's proclamation was read aloud in the town square. (国王的宣言在镇上广场上被朗读出来。)
- They celebrated the proclamation of independence with fireworks and parades. (他们通过烟花和游行庆祝独立宣言。)
- The government issued a proclamation warning citizens to prepare for the upcoming storm. (政府发布了一项宣言,警告市民为即将到来的暴风雨做好准备。)
- The proclamation of the new law caused widespread controversy. (新法律的宣告引起了广泛的争议。)
- The president's proclamation was met with both praise and criticism. (总统的宣言既受到赞扬又受到批评。)
- She made a proclamation of her love for him in front of all their friends. (她在所有朋友面前宣布了对他的爱。)
- The proclamation of the winner was met with cheers from the crowd. (赢家的宣布引来了人群的欢呼。)
- The proclamation of the ceasefire brought hope for peace in the region. (停火的宣告为该地区的和平带来了希望。)
- The proclamation was read out by a royal messenger. (宣言由一名王室信使宣读。)
- He issued a proclamation forbidding anyone from entering the restricted area. (他发布了一项禁止任何人进入限制区域的宣言。)
- The proclamation of the new policy caused a stir among the employees. (新政策的宣告在员工中引起了轰动。)
- The mayor's proclamation of a citywide curfew was met with resistance from the residents. (市长宣布全市实行宵禁的决定遭到了居民的抵制。)
- They celebrated their victory with a proclamation of triumph. (他们通过宣告胜利来庆祝胜利。)
- The proclamation of the new law was met with protests from various groups. (新法律的宣告引起了各个团体的抗议。)
- The proclamation of the company's new CEO brought hope for a turnaround. (公司新任首席执行官的宣布带来了转机的希望。)
- She made a public proclamation of her innocence. (她公开宣布自己的清白。)
- The proclamation of the new regulations caused confusion among the employees. (新规定的宣告让员工感到困惑。)
- The government issued a proclamation urging citizens to conserve water during the drought. (政府发布了一项宣言,敦促市民在干旱期间节约用水。)
- The proclamation of the president's resignation shocked the nation. (总统辞职的宣言震惊了全国。)
- They made a joint proclamation of their commitment to fight against climate change. (他们共同宣布了自己致力于对抗气候变化的决心。)
- The proclamation of the new policy was met with skepticism from the public. (新政策的宣告引起了公众的怀疑。)