supervising [形] 监督的;负责指导的名词
supervising [名] 监管;监督词语辨析
supervising is used to describe work or people that involve making sure that something is done correctly or according to the rules, and checking that it is in good condition.
supervising means the act of watching a person or activity and making certain that everything is done correctly, safely, etc.
- He is responsible for supervising the construction project.
- The teacher's supervising role is to guide and assist students in their learning.
- The supervising of the employees' performance is the manager's duty.
- The company hired a team of experts for the supervising of the production process.
1. The manager is in charge of supervising the daily operations of the company. (经理负责监督公司的日常运营。)
2. The police officer was supervising traffic at the intersection. (警察在路口监管交通。)
3. The construction site requires constant supervising to ensure safety. (施工现场需要不断的监督以确保安全。)
4. The teacher is supervising the students during the exam. (老师在考试期间监考学生。)
5. The department hired a new supervisor to strengthen supervising. (部门雇了一位新主管来加强监管。)
6. The company has implemented strict supervising measures to prevent fraud. (公司已采取严格的监督措施以防止欺诈。)
7. The manager is responsible for supervising the training of new employees. (经理负责监督新员工的培训。)
8. The government appointed a committee to oversee the supervising of the construction project. (政府任命了一个委员会来监督建设项目。)
9. The school has a team of teachers dedicated to supervising extracurricular activities. (学校有一支专门负责监督课外活动的教师团队。)
10. The manager is responsible for supervising the quality control process. (经理负责监督质量控制流程。)
11. The company hired a consultant to provide supervising for the implementation of the new system. (公司聘请顾问为新系统的实施提供监督。)
12. The teacher's supervising role is to ensure that students follow the classroom rules. (教师的监督角色是确保学生遵守课堂规则。)
13. The supervisor is responsible for supervising the employees' performance and providing feedback. (主管负责监督员工的表现并提供反馈。)
14. The company implemented a system for supervising employee attendance. (公司实施了一个监督员工出勤的系统。)
15. The manager conducted a meeting to discuss the supervising of the project. (经理召开了一个会议讨论项目的监管工作。)
16. The government agency is responsible for the supervising of environmental regulations. (政府机构负责监督环境法规的执行。)
17. The supervisor provides supervising and guidance to the team members. (主管为团队成员提供监督和指导。)
18. The company hired a security guard for the supervising of the building's entrance. (公司雇了一名保安来监管大楼的入口。)
19. The teacher's supervising role is to ensure a safe and productive learning environment. (教师的监督角色是确保一个安全和有成效的学习环境。)
20. The manager is responsible for supervising the implementation of new policies and procedures. (经理负责监督新政策和程序的实施。)