- headache: 头痛
- trouble: 麻烦事
- problem: 问题
- difficulty: 困难
- migraine: 偏头痛
- cluster headache: 聚集性头痛
- tension headache: 紧张性头痛
- sinus headache: 鼻窦炎引起的头痛
- headache rack: 车辆货物保护架
- cephalalgia: 头痛
- head pain: 头痛
- cranial pain: 头痛
- comfort: 安慰,舒适
- relief: 缓解,宽慰
- headache: 令人头痛的
- troublesome: 让人烦恼的
- difficult: 困难的
- challenging: 具有挑战性的
headache (noun): A headache is a continuous pain in the head.
headache (noun): A continuous pain in the head; a persistent problem.
- I have a terrible headache and need to lie down. (我头痛得厉害,需要躺下休息。)
- Dealing with difficult customers can be a real headache. (处理难缠的顾客真令人头痛。)
- She has been experiencing frequent headaches lately. (她最近头痛频繁。)
- Managing a large team is no easy task; it can be quite a headache. (管理一支大团队并非易事,可能会很令人头痛。)
- The lack of funding has become a major headache for the project. (资金缺乏已经成为该项目的一个主要问题。)
- Don't worry, I'll take care of the headache for you. (别担心,我会为你解决这个麻烦。)
- She finds computer programming to be a challenging headache. (她觉得计算机编程是一个具有挑战性的头痛问题。)
- The construction delays have caused a lot of headaches for the project manager. (施工延误给项目经理带来了很多麻烦。)
- The company's financial situation is giving the CEO a major headache. (公司的财务状况让首席执行官非常头痛。)
- She took some painkillers to relieve her headache. (她服用了一些止痛药来缓解头痛。)
- His constant complaining is such a headache. (他不停地抱怨真是让人头痛。)
- The project faced numerous headaches due to logistical challenges. (由于后勤挑战,这个项目面临了许多问题。)
- She woke up with a splitting headache this morning. (她今早醒来时头痛欲裂。)
- The headache of organizing the event fell on his shoulders. (组织活动的麻烦事落到了他的肩上。)
- He finds paperwork to be a headache. (他觉得文书工作很烦人。)
- The noise from the construction site is giving me a headache. (施工现场的噪音让我头痛。)
- The headache of dealing with bureaucracy can be frustrating. (处理官僚主义的烦恼令人沮丧。)
- I can't concentrate on my work with this pounding headache. (我头痛得厉害,无法集中精力工作。)
- The constant changes in the project requirements have been a real headache. (项目需求的不断变化真的很让人头痛。)
- She took a break to relieve the headache caused by the stressful situation. (她休息一下,缓解因紧张局势而引起的头痛。)
- He is known for giving his colleagues a headache with his disorganized approach. (他以他的无组织方式让同事们头痛而闻名。)