- burnt up 烧毁的;烧焦的
- consumed 烧掉的;耗尽的
- burnup 燃尽;燃尽度
- burnup 光子燃尽度
burnup和burnt up的区别在于burnup是一个名词,表示燃尽程度,而burnt up是一个形容词,表示已经被烧毁或烧焦。
- burn out 燃尽;烧坏
- consume 耗尽;消耗
- combustion 燃烧
- consumption 消耗;消费
- depletion 耗尽;消耗
- accumulation 积累;堆积
- build-up 积累;增加
burnup (noun)
If there is a burn-up of something, it is used or finished so that none is left.
burnup (noun)
The total energy produced by a nuclear reactor, usually expressed in terms of the amount of fuel consumed.
1. The burnup of the forest was devastating.
2. The burnup rate of the fuel is being closely monitored.
3. The burnup of coal in power plants contributes to air pollution.
1. The fire burned out of control, resulting in the complete burnup of the building. (火势失控,导致建筑物完全烧毁。)
2. The burnup rate of the rocket fuel was higher than expected. (火箭燃料的燃尽速度比预期要快。)
3. The burnup of fossil fuels is a major contributor to global warming. (化石燃料的燃尽是全球变暖的主要原因之一。)
4. The burnup of the candle left only a small amount of wax. (蜡烛的燃尽只剩下了少量的蜡。)
5. The burnup of the fuel rods in the nuclear reactor is carefully controlled. (核反应堆中燃料棒的燃尽被严格控制。)
6. The burnup of the forest resulted in the displacement of many wildlife species. (森林的燃尽导致许多野生动物物种的迁移。)
7. The burnup rate of the engine's fuel was optimized for maximum efficiency. (引擎燃料的燃尽速率经过优化,以获得最高的效率。)
8. The burnup of the bonfire created a warm and cozy atmosphere. (篝火的燃尽营造出温暖而舒适的氛围。)
9. The burnup of the rocket's booster stage allowed it to reach orbit. (火箭助推器的燃尽使其能够进入轨道。)
10. The burnup of the fireworks lit up the night sky with brilliant colors. (烟花的燃尽用绚丽的色彩点亮了夜空。)
11. The burnup of the coal in the power plant generated electricity for thousands of homes. (电厂中煤炭的燃尽为成千上万户家庭提供了电力。)
12. The burnup of the sun will eventually result in its transformation into a white dwarf. (太阳的燃尽最终会导致其转变为一个白矮星。)
13. The burnup of the wood in the fireplace created a warm and cozy ambiance. (壁炉中木材的燃尽营造出温暖而舒适的氛围。)
14. The burnup of the rocket's first stage allowed for its separation and subsequent recovery. (火箭的第一级的燃尽使其分离并随后回收。)
15. The burnup of the candle created a pleasant aroma in the room. (蜡烛的燃尽在房间里散发出令人愉悦的香气。)
16. The burnup of the forest resulted in the loss of many valuable trees. (森林的燃尽导致许多珍贵的树木丧失。)
17. The burnup rate of the fuel was carefully monitored to ensure optimal performance. (燃料的燃尽速度被仔细监测以确保最佳性能。)
18. The burnup of the rocket's second stage allowed it to achieve escape velocity. (火箭的第二级的燃尽使其达到了逃逸速度。)
19. The burnup of the wood in the campfire provided warmth and comfort on a cold night. (篝火中木材的燃尽在寒冷的夜晚提供了温暖和舒适。)
20. The burnup of the candle left behind a small puddle of melted wax. (蜡烛的燃尽留下了一小滩融化的蜡。)