nations- 英 [ˈneɪʃnz];美 [ˈneɪʃənz]
- 意为“国家”或“民族”
national- 英 [ˈnæʃənəl];美 [ˈnæʃənl]
- 意为“国家的”、“民族的”或“全国性的”
nationhood- 英 [ˈneɪʃənˌhʊd];美 [ˈneɪʃənˌhʊd]
- 名词,意为“国家地位”或“民族国家”
- 英 [ˈnæʃənəlɪzəm];美 [ˈnæʃənəlɪzəm]
- 名词,意为“民族主义”或“国家主义”
- country
- state
- land
- international
- global
- worldwide
- United Nations is an international organization consisting of 193 member nations.(联合国是一个由193个会员国组成的国际组织。)
- The conference aims to promote cooperation and understanding among nations.(这次会议旨在促进国家间的合作与理解。)
- He proudly waved the national flag at the parade.(他自豪地在游行中挥舞着国旗。)
- The team won a national championship.(该队赢得了全国冠军。)
- They are representatives of their respective nations.(他们是各自国家的代表。)
- International conflicts can arise between nations.(国家间的国际冲突可能会出现。)
- The national anthem was played before the start of the game.(比赛开始前奏响了国歌。)
- Our nation is known for its rich cultural heritage.(我们的国家以其丰富的文化遗产而闻名。)
- The United Nations plays a vital role in maintaining global peace.(联合国在维护全球和平中发挥着至关重要的作用。)
- She has a strong sense of national identity.(她有着强烈的民族认同感。)
- The national government implemented new policies to stimulate economic growth.(国家政府实施了新的政策来促进经济增长。)
- The two nations have a long history of diplomatic relations.(这两个国家有着悠久的外交关系。)
- He is a patriotic citizen who loves his nation.(他是一个爱国的公民,热爱自己的国家。)
- The national team won the gold medal in the Olympic Games.(国家队在奥运会上获得了金牌。)
- They celebrated their nation's independence with fireworks and parades.(他们用烟花和游行庆祝他们国家的独立。)
- The United Nations Security Council consists of five permanent members.(联合国安全理事会由五个常任理事国组成。)
- She is a representative of her nation at the international conference.(她是国际会议上她国家的代表。)
- The national economy is experiencing a period of growth.(国家经济正在经历一段增长期。)
- We should respect the customs and traditions of other nations.(我们应该尊重其他国家的风俗和传统。)
- He has dual citizenship in two different nations.(他在两个不同的国家拥有双重国籍。)
- The national language of France is French.(法国的国家语言是法语。)
- They are proud of their nation's achievements in science and technology.(他们为自己国家在科学技术方面的成就感到自豪。)
- The president delivered a speech on national television.(总统在全国电视台发表了讲话。)
- The two nations signed a peace treaty to end the war.(这两个国家签署了一项和平条约来结束战争。)
- The national airline offers flights to over 100 destinations.(国家航空公司提供飞往100多个目的地的航班。)