dispatched 1. 已发送的;已派遣的 2. 快速的;敏捷的 3. 完成得很快的;迅速解决的名词
dispatch 1. 派遣;调度 2. 发送;寄送 3. 快递;急件 4. 新闻报道;新闻快报 5. 分派任务;分发工作词语辨析
dispatched与dispatch的区别: - dispatched是dispatch的过去分词,常用于表示已经发送、派遣或完成的动作。 - dispatch是动词,表示派遣、发送、解决等动作,也可以作为名词,表示派遣、发送、快递等意义。词汇扩充
- dispatchment:名词,派遣;发送 - dispatcher:名词,调度员;派遣者 - dispatchable:形容词,可派遣的;可发送的近义词
1. sent 2. delivered 3. forwarded 4. expedited反义词
1. received 2. held 3. delayed 4. retained柯林斯词典
dispatched (形容词) 1. If goods or a message are dispatched, they are sent quickly to a particular place or person. 2. If someone or something is dispatched to a particular place, they are sent there. 3. If someone is dispatched, especially by a military or other official group, they are sent to a particular place to do a job.牛津词典
dispatched (形容词) 1. Send off to a destination or for a purpose. 2. Deal with (a task, problem, or opponent) quickly and efficiently.用法
- The package was dispatched yesterday and should arrive tomorrow. (这个包裹昨天已经发出,应该明天到达。) - The fire department dispatched three trucks to the scene of the accident. (消防部门派出了三辆卡车前往事故现场。) - The team was dispatched to investigate the incident. (该团队被派去调查这起事件。) - The problem was quickly dispatched by our IT department. (这个问题很快被我们的IT部门解决。) - The news of the victory was dispatched to all major newspapers. (胜利的消息被送往所有主要报纸。)例句
- The letter was dispatched last week. (这封信上周已经寄出。)
- He dispatched a group of engineers to assess the damage. (他派遣了一组工程师评估损失。)
- The emergency services were dispatched immediately. (紧急服务立即派遣出去。)
- The task was dispatched efficiently and ahead of schedule. (任务被高效地提前完成。)
- She dispatched the intruder with a single blow. (她一击将闯入者解决了。)
- The documents were dispatched by express courier. (文件通过快递送出。)
- The president dispatched a message of condolences to the victims' families. (总统向遇难者家属发去慰问信。)
- The soldiers were dispatched to the war zone. (士兵们被派往战区。)
- They dispatched a team to investigate the incident. (他们派出一个团队调查这个事件。)
- The problem was quickly dispatched by the IT department. (这个问题被IT部门迅速解决。)
- The news was dispatched to all major news agencies. (这个消息被发送给所有主要新闻机构。)
- The package was dispatched yesterday and should arrive tomorrow. (这个包裹昨天已经发出,应该明天到达。)
- The letter was dispatched via airmail. (这封信通过航空邮件寄出。)
- The company dispatched a representative to discuss the contract. (公司派出一名代表讨论合同。)
- He dispatched the task with great efficiency. (他高效地完成了任务。)
- The emergency services were dispatched to the scene of the accident. (紧急服务被派往事故现场。)
- The team was dispatched to handle the crisis. (该团队被派去处理危机。)
- The troops were dispatched to provide assistance. (部队被派去提供援助。)
- The suspect was quickly dispatched by the police. (嫌疑人被警方迅速解决。)
- The news was dispatched to the press immediately. (消息立即发送给新闻界。)