step-in和step into都可表示“进入”,但step-in更多用于描述“迅速采取行动”或“干预他人的事务”的情况。
intervene, meddle, intrude
stand back, stay out, withdraw
step-in (noun): 干预,介入
step-in (adjective): 容易穿上的,无需拉链或钮扣的
step-in (noun): 干预,介入
step-in (adjective): 容易穿上的,无需拉链或钮扣的
1. The step-in process allowed the government to take control of the struggling company.
2. The step-in underwear is designed for convenience and comfort.
3. The manager had to step in and resolve the conflict between the two employees.
4. She stepped into her father's shoes and took over the family business.
1. They decided to step in and help their neighbors during the crisis. (他们决定在危机中帮助邻居。)
2. The step-in skirt is perfect for a quick change. (这种易穿裙子非常适合快速换衣。)
3. The teacher had to step in and stop the students from fighting. (老师不得不干预并制止学生之间的打斗。)
4. He stepped into the role of CEO after the sudden resignation of his predecessor. (在前任突然辞职后,他接任了首席执行官的职位。)
5. The government had to step in to prevent the company from going bankrupt. (政府不得不干预以防止该公司破产。)
6. The step-in underwear is designed for easy wear and comfort. (这种易穿内衣设计方便穿着和舒适。)
7. He always steps in when his friends need help. (当他的朋友需要帮助时,他总是伸出援手。)
8. She stepped into the room and was greeted by applause. (她走进房间,受到了掌声的欢迎。)
9. The step-in process was initiated to protect the interests of the employees. (启动干预流程是为了保护员工的利益。)
10. He stepped into the shoes of the previous manager and faced many challenges. (他接替了前任经理的职位,面临许多挑战。)
11. The step-in skirt is a popular choice for dancers. (这种易穿裙子是舞者们的流行选择。)
12. They had to step in and mediate the dispute between the two parties. (他们不得不介入并调解双方的争端。)
13. The step-in process required approval from the board of directors. (干预流程需要董事会的批准。)
14. She stepped into the role of team captain with confidence. (她自信地承担起队长的角色。)
15. The step-in underwear is available in different sizes and colors. (这种易穿内衣有不同的尺寸和颜色可供选择。)
16. He always steps in to help his colleagues when they are overwhelmed with work. (当同事们工作过度时,他总是伸出援手。)
17. The step-in process allowed the company to restructure and improve its financial situation. (干预流程使公司能够重组并改善其财务状况。)
18. She stepped into the spotlight and delivered a powerful performance. (她走上聚光灯下,表演了一场精彩的演出。)
19. The step-in underwear is made of soft and stretchable fabric. (这种易穿内衣采用柔软和可伸缩的面料制成。)
20. He had to step in and break up the fight before it escalated. (他不得不干预并阻止冲突升级。)