1. 圆括号 2. 插入语 3. 间断 4. 副文词语辨析
parenthesis、bracket、braces 用作名词时均有“括号”之意。
- parenthesis:指用于括住说明性的插入语的圆括号。
- bracket:指用于括住说明性的插入语、数学公式等的方括号。
- braces:指用于括住说明性的插入语、编码等的花括号。
parenthesization (n.)
parenthesize (v.)
bracket, braces, interpolation, aside
core, main body
parenthesis (noun)
1. (grammar) Something that is inserted into a passage already written or printed, often to provide an explanation or an extra comment.
2. (punctuation) Either of a pair of brackets, especially round brackets, (parentheses).
3. (rhetoric) A digression, particularly one that is explanatory or qualifying.
parenthesis (noun)
1. (grammar) An insertion of material that interrupts the typical syntactical flow of a sentence.
2. (punctuation) A pair of round brackets.
3. (rhetoric) An explanatory or qualifying word, clause, or sentence inserted into a passage with which it doesn't necessarily have any grammatical connection, and from which it is usually marked off by round or square brackets, dashes, or commas.
1. The use of parentheses is common in academic writing.
2. The information in the parentheses should be relevant to the main topic.
3. Please enclose your answer in parentheses.
4. In the sentence, the phrase "by the way" is an example of parenthesis.
- He added a comment in parentheses to clarify the meaning. (他在括号里添加了一条注释以澄清意思。)
- The information you provide should be placed within parentheses. (你提供的信息应放在括号里。)
- The author often uses parentheses for additional explanations. (作者经常使用括号进行额外的解释。)
- In the sentence "I will go (if you want me to)", the phrase "if you want me to" is a parenthesis. (在句子“I will go (if you want me to)”中,“if you want me to”是插入语。)
- The sentence reads: "The book (which I haven't read yet) is very popular." (该句为:“这本书(我还没读过)非常受欢迎。”)
- She explained the term by adding a parenthesis to the sentence. (她通过在句子中加入括号来解释这个术语。)
- The author often uses parentheses as a way to provide additional information. (作者经常使用括号来提供额外的信息。)
- The sentence "He was born in 1980 (the exact date is unknown)" contains a parenthesis. (句子“He was born in 1980 (the exact date is unknown)”中含有一个插入语。)
- In the paragraph, there is a parenthesis that explains a historical reference. (在段落中,有一个插入语解释了一个历史参考。)
- She used parentheses to indicate her personal opinion on the matter. (她使用括号来表明她对这个问题的个人观点。)
- The sentence "The company (founded in 1990) has grown rapidly" contains a parenthesis. (句子“The company (founded in 1990) has grown rapidly”中含有一个插入语。)
- He inserted a parenthesis into his speech to provide some background information. (他在演讲中插入了一个括号,提供了一些背景信息。)
- The author used parentheses to include a side note about the research findings. (作者使用括号来加入一个关于研究结果的旁注。)
- She used parentheses to enclose the additional examples. (她用括号把额外的例子括起来。)
- The text contains several parentheses that provide additional explanations. (这段文字中含有几个插入语,提供了额外的解释。)
- In the sentence "He arrived late (as usual)", the phrase "as usual" is a parenthesis. (在句子“He arrived late (as usual)”中,“as usual”是插入语。)
- The author included a parenthesis to clarify a technical term. (作者加入了一个插入语来澄清一个技术术语。)
- She used parentheses to set off the examples from the main text. (她用括号把例子与主要文本分开。)
- The sentence "He was born in Paris (France)" contains a parenthesis. (句子“He was born in Paris (France)”中含有一个插入语。)
- In the paragraph, there is a parenthesis that provides a definition of the term. (在段落中,有一个插入语对该术语进行了定义。)