1. 使人陶醉的;令人沉醉的 - The aroma of the flowers was intoxicating. (花的香气使人陶醉。) - The beauty of the sunset was absolutely intoxicating. (夕阳的美景令人沉醉。) 2. 使人兴奋的;令人陶醉的 - The crowd was swept away by the band's intoxicating performance. (乐队精彩的表演使观众兴奋不已。) - The combination of music and dancing created an intoxicating atmosphere. (音乐和舞蹈的结合营造出一种令人陶醉的氛围。)名词
1. 醉酒剂 - The bartender asked if I wanted an intoxicating. (酒保问我是否想要一杯醉酒剂。) 2. 令人陶醉的事物 - The view from the top of the mountain was an intoxicating. (山顶的景色令人陶醉。)词语辨析
- intoxicating与 intoxicated 的区别在于前者是形容词,后者是过去分词形式的形容词。前者描述的是令人沉醉的或兴奋的事物,后者描述的是已经醉酒的状态。词汇扩充
- intoxicate (动词): 使某人喝醉,使某人陶醉 - intoxication (名词): 醉酒,陶醉近义词
- captivating, enchanting, alluring, mesmerizing, spellbinding反义词
- boring, mundane, uninteresting柯林斯词典
- intoxicating (adj.): If you describe something as intoxicating, you mean that it is very exciting or enjoyable. (如果你形容某事物为intoxicating,意味着它非常令人兴奋或愉快。)牛津词典
- intoxicating (adj.): Making you feel excited and happy and unable to think clearly. (使你感到兴奋和快乐,无法清晰思考的。)用法
- The perfume has an intoxicating scent. (这款香水有一种令人陶醉的香味。) - The dance performance was absolutely intoxicating. (这个舞蹈表演绝对令人陶醉。) - Be careful not to drink too much of that intoxicating. (小心不要喝太多那种醉酒剂。)相关例句
- The intoxicating aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the room. (新鲜煮好的咖啡散发出令人陶醉的香味,充满了房间。)
- The music had an intoxicating effect on the audience, who couldn't help but dance. (音乐对观众产生了令人陶醉的效果,他们情不自禁地跳起舞来。)
- The bright lights and bustling streets of the city were intoxicating to the rural visitors. (城市的明亮灯光和熙熙攘攘的街道对于乡村的游客来说是一种令人陶醉的感觉。)
- She found his voice intoxicating, and couldn't resist his charm. (她觉得他的声音令人陶醉,无法抵挡他的魅力。)
- The wine had an intoxicating effect on him, and he stumbled out of the bar. (酒对他有醉人的效果,他摇摇晃晃地走出了酒吧。)
- Her intoxicating beauty captivated everyone in the room. (她令人陶醉的美丽迷住了房间里的每个人。)
- The intoxicating melody of the song transported the audience to a different world. (这首歌令人陶醉的旋律将观众带入了一个不同的世界。)
- He became intoxicated by the power and fame that came with his success. (他被成功带来的权力和名利冲昏了头脑。)
- The sweet scent of the flowers was intoxicating and filled the garden. (花的甜香令人陶醉,充满了花园。)
- The actress's performance was intoxicating, leaving the audience captivated. (女演员的表演令人陶醉,让观众为之着迷。)
- The party was filled with intoxicating music, laughter, and joy. (派对上充满了令人陶醉的音乐、笑声和欢乐。)
- He was intoxicated by her beauty and couldn't take his eyes off her. (他被她的美貌所迷住,无法将目光从她身上移开。)
- The dancers moved with an intoxicating grace, mesmerizing the audience. (舞者们以令人陶醉的优雅动作移动,使观众为之着迷。)
- The tropical island had an intoxicating charm that drew visitors from all over the world. (这个热带岛屿有一种令人陶醉的魅力,吸引着来自世界各地的游客。)
- The couple danced together in an intoxicating embrace, lost in each other's arms. (这对夫妇在令人陶醉的拥抱中共舞,陶醉在彼此的怀抱中。)
- She took a sip of the intoxicating cocktail and felt an immediate rush of euphoria. (她喝了一口令人陶醉的鸡尾酒,立刻感到一阵欣快感。)
- The artist's paintings were an intoxicating blend of colors and emotions. (艺术家的画作是色彩和情感的令人陶醉的融合。)
- The warm summer breeze carried with it the intoxicating scent of blooming flowers. (温暖的夏日微风带来了盛开花朵的令人陶醉的香气。)
- She was intoxicated by the thrill of skydiving, feeling an adrenaline rush like never before. (她被跳伞的刺激所陶醉,感觉到前所未有的肾上腺素飙升。)
- The novel's intoxicating plot kept readers hooked until the very end. (小说令人陶醉的情节让读者一直沉迷到最后。)
- His intoxicating smile melted her heart. (他令人陶醉的笑容融化了她的心。)