1. 好奇的;好问的 - Definition: having or showing a strong desire for knowledge or information; curious. - Example: The little boy was always asking questions, displaying his inquisitive nature. - Translation: 这个小男孩总是问问题,显示出他好奇的天性。 2. 过分打听的;爱管闲事的 - Definition: excessively curious or inquiring, especially about the personal affairs of others. - Example: She is known for being inquisitive and always prying into other people's business. - Translation: 她因好打听、喜欢探听他人事务而出名。名词
1. 好奇者;爱打听者 - Definition: a person who is inquisitive or curious. - Example: The journalist was known for being an inquisitive, always seeking out the truth. - Translation: 这位记者以他好奇的天性和追求真相的精神而闻名。词语辨析
- inquisitive vs curious: Both words mean having a strong desire to know or learn something, but "inquisitive" often implies a desire to investigate, while "curious" suggests a general interest or wonder. - Translation: inquisitive与curious都表示强烈地想要了解或学习某事的意思,但是"inquisitive"常常暗示一种调查的欲望,而"curious"则表示一种普遍的兴趣或好奇。词汇扩充
- inquisitiveness (n.): the quality of being inquisitive. - Example: Her inquisitiveness led her to explore various fields of study. - Translation: 她的好奇心驱使她探索了各个学科。近义词
- curious, nosy, prying, snoopy - Translation: 好奇的,爱管闲事的,爱窥探的,爱打听的反义词
- indifferent, uninterested, apathetic - Translation: 冷漠的,不感兴趣的,冷淡的柯林斯词典
- Definition: If you describe someone as inquisitive, you mean that they are very interested in things and are always asking questions about them. - Example: She was an inquisitive child, always asking questions. - Translation: 如果你说某人是inquisitive,你的意思是他们对事物非常感兴趣,总是问问题。牛津词典
- Definition: Showing curiosity. - Example: The children were naturally inquisitive about the world around them. - Translation: 孩子们对周围的世界自然而然地充满好奇心。用法
- The inquisitive child asked her teacher a series of questions. - Translation: 好奇的孩子向她的老师提了一连串的问题。相关例句
- The cat approached the new object with an inquisitive look on its face. (猫脸上露出好奇的表情,靠近这个新物体。)
- She couldn't resist being inquisitive and peeked inside the envelope. (她忍不住好奇,探头看了看信封里面。)
- The inquisitive child kept asking why the sky was blue. (这个好奇的孩子一直问为什么天空是蓝色的。)
- His inquisitive nature led him to become a scientist. (他好奇的天性让他成为了一名科学家。)
- The detective's inquisitive mind helped him solve the mysterious case. (侦探好奇的头脑帮助他揭开了这个神秘案件的谜底。)
- As an inquisitive journalist, she always sought out the truth. (作为一个爱打听的记者,她总是追求真相。)
- The inquisitive dog sniffed at every corner of the room. (好奇的狗嗅了嗅房间的每个角落。)
- She had an inquisitive nature and loved exploring new places. (她天性好奇,喜欢探索新地方。)
- His inquisitive eyes scanned the room for any clues. (他好奇的目光在房间里搜索着任何线索。)
- The inquisitive child eagerly opened the wrapped gift. (好奇的孩子兴奋地打开了包装好的礼物。)
- She had an inquisitive personality and was always asking thought-provoking questions. (她有一种好奇的个性,总是问一些发人深省的问题。)
- The inquisitive student approached the teacher after class to ask further questions. (课后,好奇的学生走近老师询问更多问题。)
- The inquisitive toddler explored every nook and cranny of the house. (好奇的幼儿探索了房子的每个角落。)
- Her inquisitive mind led her to become a successful journalist. (她好奇的头脑使她成为了一名成功的记者。)
- He was known for his inquisitive nature and desire to always learn something new. (他以他好奇的天性和对学习新事物的渴望而闻名。)
- The inquisitive child was fascinated by the workings of the human body. (这个好奇的孩子对人体的运作非常着迷。)
- The inquisitive puppy sniffed at everything it encountered during its walk. (好奇的小狗在散步中嗅了嗅它所遇到的一切。)
- His inquisitive nature often got him into trouble. (他好奇的天性经常让他惹上麻烦。)
- The inquisitive child couldn't resist opening the forbidden drawer. (好奇的孩子忍不住打开了被禁止的抽屉。)
- The inquisitive squirrel watched as the bird built its nest. (好奇的松鼠看着鸟儿筑巢。)