treaties 的形容词形式为 treaty。
1. 来自“treaty”的形容词
- treaty-based:基于条约的
- treaty-related:与条约有关的
- treaty-bound:受条约约束的
treaties 是 treaty 的复数形式,表示“条约”或“协议”。
1. 条约,协议
treaties 指由两个或多个国家、组织或团体签订的正式协议,用以规定双方的权利和义务。
2. 待遇,款待
treaties 还可以指待遇或款待。
treaties 和 agreements 都可以表示“协议”或“协定”,但 treaties 通常指规模较大、重要性较高的协议,涉及各方的权利和义务,而 agreements 则更加普遍,可以包括任何形式的协议。
与 treaties 相关的词汇扩充:
- treaty negotiation:条约谈判
- treaty signing:签署条约
- treaty ratification:条约批准
- treaty violation:违反条约
- treaty dispute:条约争端
- treaty alliance:条约联盟
与 treaties 相关的近义词:
- agreements
- pacts
- covenants
- accords
- conventions
与 treaties 相关的反义词:
- disagreements
- conflicts
- disputes
treaties 在柯林斯词典中的解释:
- A treaty is a written agreement between countries in which they agree to do a particular thing or to help each other.
- If one country has a treaty with another country, the two countries have agreed to help each other, especially in the event of a war.
treaties 在牛津词典中的解释:
- A treaty is a formally concluded and ratified agreement between countries.
- A treaty is a formal agreement between two or more states in reference to peace, alliance, commerce, or other international relations.
- A treaty is an agreement under international law entered into by actors in international law, namely sovereign states and international organizations.
- The two countries signed a peace treaty to end the war.
- After months of negotiation, the treaty was finally ratified by all participating nations.
- The treaty-based alliance ensures mutual defense between the countries.
- The United Nations mediated the treaty dispute between the neighboring countries.
- Both countries violated the terms of the treaty, leading to increased tensions.
- The treaties between the European Union member states promote economic cooperation.
- The government is negotiating a new trade treaty with a neighboring country.
- The treaty signing ceremony was attended by representatives from all participating nations.
- He was given the treaty-bound rights and privileges as a citizen of the country.
- The treaty established a framework for international cooperation on environmental issues.
- The treaties between the two countries have strengthened diplomatic ties.
- The treaty guarantees the protection of human rights for all citizens.
- They were welcomed with great treaties and hospitality during their visit.
- The treaty negotiation process was complex and required compromises from both sides.
- The treaty violation led to economic sanctions against the offending country.
- The treaty alliance was formed to promote peace and stability in the region.
- The treaties laid out the terms for trade and cooperation between the countries.
- The treaty was hailed as a major step towards global disarmament.
- The two leaders discussed the implementation of the treaty during their meeting.
- She studied international law and specialized in treaty interpretation and analysis.