light on
1. 轻的;不重要的
英文释义:having a small weight or not being important
- His backpack was light on his shoulders.(他的背包轻轻地搭在肩膀上。)
- The article was light on details.(这篇文章缺乏细节。)
2. 缺乏;不足的
英文释义:deficient or lacking in
- The report is light on evidence.(这份报告缺乏证据。)
- The book is light on humor.(这本书缺乏幽默感。)
1. 光线;灯光
英文释义:light emitted by a lamp or other source
- The room was filled with a soft light on entering.(一进入房间就充满了柔和的灯光。)
- She turned on the light in the hallway.(她打开了走廊的灯。)
2. 点燃的火焰
英文释义:a flame or something that produces light
- He struck a match and created a light on the candle.(他划了一根火柴,点亮了蜡烛。)
- The light from the bonfire illuminated the beach.(篝火的光照亮了沙滩。)
light on vs. light up
light on:表示点燃、提供光线或信息的来源
例句:He lighted on the solution to the problem.(他找到了解决问题的办法。)
light up:表示点燃或使明亮;也可指某人因喜悦、笑容等而变得明亮或更加快乐
例句:The fireworks lit up the night sky.(烟花点亮了夜空。)
- light bulb:灯泡
- light switch:电灯开关
- light fixture:灯具
- light-year:光年
- traffic light:交通信号灯
- bright
- illuminated
- radiant
- heavy
- dark
- dim
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
light on (phrasal verb)
If someone lights on or lights upon something or someone, they suddenly notice or find them.
例句:He lit on a possible solution.(他突然找到了一个可能的解决办法。)
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
light on (phrasal verb)
Find by chance.
例句:She lit on the book in a second-hand shop.(她在一家二手书店意外发现了这本书。)
1. light on常用作及物动词短语,表示点燃或提供光线、信息等。
2. light on也可用作不及物动词短语,表示偶然发现或找到。
3. light on可用作名词短语,表示光线或点燃的火焰。
- He stumbled in the dark and finally found a light on the wall.(他在黑暗中摸索,最终在墙上找到了一盏灯。)
- The novel is light on plot but heavy on character development.(这本小说情节轻微,但人物塑造很丰满。)
- She accidentally lighted on the perfect gift for her sister.(她无意中找到了给姐姐的完美礼物。)
- The room was filled with a warm light on a winter afternoon.(一个冬日的下午,房间里弥漫着温暖的光线。)
- He quickly lighted on the solution to the math problem.(他很快就找到了这个数学问题的解法。)
- The lamp in the corner casts a soft light on the bookshelf.(角落里的灯在书架上投下柔和的光。)
- We need to light up the room before the guests arrive.(在客人到达之前,我们需要点亮房间。)
- His face lights up whenever he sees his grandchildren.(每当他看到孙子孙女时,他的脸都会亮起来。)
- The campfire provided light for the nighttime gathering.(篝火为夜间聚会提供了光线。)
- She accidentally lighted upon the missing key in her bag.(她在包里无意中找到了丢失的钥匙。)
- He lit on a brilliant idea for his new project.(他为自己的新项目想到了一个绝妙的主意。)
- The lighthouse on the coast guides ships safely to shore.(海岸上的灯塔将船只安全引向岸边。)
- The room was dimly lit by a small light on the bedside table.(房间里只有床头柜上的一盏小灯微弱地照亮着。)
- He turned on the light on his phone to find his way in the dark.(他打开手机的灯光在黑暗中找路。)
- The candlelight created a romantic light on the dinner table.(蜡烛的光在餐桌上营造出一种浪漫的氛围。)
- The documentary was light on facts and heavy on opinions.(这部纪录片事实不足,观点居多。)
- The photographer adjusted the lighting to create the perfect light on the model's face.(摄影师调整灯光,为模特的脸部打造完美的光线。)
- The actor's performance was light on emotion, leaving the audience unimpressed.(演员的表演缺乏情感,让观众印象淡薄。)
- The novel is a light read, perfect for a relaxing weekend.(这本小说很轻松,适合放松的周末阅读。)
- The journalist's report was light on details, leaving many questions unanswered.(记者的报导细节不足,让很多问题没有得到解答。)
- The streetlights illuminated the road and made driving safer at night.(路灯照亮了道路,使夜间驾车更安全。)