中英词典 - asymmetrical
1. 不对称的;不均衡的
英文释义:lacking symmetry or balance; uneven
- Their faces were asymmetrical with one eye higher than the other. (他们的脸不对称,一个眼睛比另一个高。)
- The design of the building is intentionally asymmetrical to create a sense of uniqueness. (建筑物的设计有意不对称,以营造独特的感觉。)
1. 不对称;不均衡
英文释义:lack of symmetry or balance; unevenness
- The artist intentionally incorporated asymmetry into his artwork. (艺术家有意将不对称性融入他的作品中。)
- The asymmetry in the distribution of resources led to social inequality. (资源分配的不均衡导致了社会不平等。)
asymmetric, irregular, uneven
symmetrical, balanced
asymmetrical (adj.): Something that is asymmetrical has two sides or halves that are different in shape, size, or style.
asymmetrical (adj.): Having parts that fail to correspond to one another in shape, size, or arrangement; lacking symmetry.
1. The asymmetrical design of the dress made it stand out from the traditional gowns. (这件裙子的不对称设计使其与传统礼服格格不入。)
2. The asymmetrical distribution of wealth has caused social unrest. (财富的不均衡分配引发了社会动荡。)
3. The asymmetrical pattern on the vase added an artistic touch to the room. (花瓶上的不对称图案给房间增添了艺术气息。)
- The asymmetrical shape of the leaf caught the botanist's attention. (植物学家注意到了叶子的不对称形状。)
- The artist deliberately painted an asymmetrical pattern on the canvas. (艺术家故意在画布上绘制了一个不对称的图案。)
- Her asymmetrical haircut reflects her edgy personality. (她不对称的发型反映了她前卫的个性。)
- The asymmetrical distribution of resources led to conflicts among the neighboring countries. (资源的不均衡分配导致了邻国之间的冲突。)
- The asymmetrical arrangement of furniture in the room created a sense of dynamism. (房间里家具的不对称布置营造出一种活力感。)
- The asymmetrical relationship between the two characters adds tension to the story. (两个角色之间的不对称关系给故事增加了紧张感。)
- The asymmetrical design of the building challenged the conventional architectural norms. (建筑物的不对称设计挑战了传统的建筑规范。)
- The asymmetrical neckline of the dress added an element of surprise. (裙子的不对称领口增添了一丝惊喜。)
- The asymmetrical distribution of power in the organization caused internal conflicts. (组织中权力的不均衡分配导致了内部冲突。)
- The asymmetrical design of the logo made it memorable and distinct. (标志的不对称设计使其令人难忘且独特。)
- The asymmetrical relationship between the two countries has resulted in trade imbalances. (两国之间的不对称关系导致了贸易失衡。)
- The asymmetrical positioning of the elements in the painting created a sense of movement. (画作中元素的不对称定位营造出一种运动感。)
- The asymmetrical development of the city led to disparities in infrastructure and services. (城市的不对称发展导致了基础设施和服务的不平衡。)
- The asymmetrical nature of the problem required innovative solutions. (问题的不对称性需要创新的解决方案。)
- The asymmetrical warfare tactics used by the guerrillas caught the military off guard. (游击队使用的不对称战术使军方措手不及。)
- The asymmetrical hemline of the dress added a touch of elegance. (裙子的不对称下摆增添了一丝优雅。)
- The asymmetrical relationship between the teacher and student hindered effective communication. (教师与学生之间的不对称关系阻碍了有效的沟通。)
- The asymmetrical distribution of rainfall affected the agricultural productivity in the region. (雨量的不均衡分布影响了该地区的农业生产力。)
- The asymmetrical arrangement of colors in the painting created a sense of tension. (画作中颜色的不对称排列营造出一种张力感。)
- The asymmetrical power dynamics in the relationship led to feelings of resentment and inequality. (关系中的不对称权力动态导致了怨恨和不平等的感觉。)