disturbance, disruption, upset, agitation, unease反义词
perturbation (noun)1. A perturbation is a small irregularity in something's behaviour or normal state.
2. A perturbation is a small movement or change in something's position or condition.
3. A perturbation is the act of perturbing someone or something, or the state of being perturbed.
perturbational (adjective)
1. [physics] Perturbational means relating to perturbations.
2. Perturbational means causing perturbation or anxiety.
perturbation (noun)1. Anxiety; mental uneasiness.
2. The action of perturbing or the state of being perturbed.
3. A cause of disturbance or upset.
4. [physics] A small change in a physical system or a slight movement in a celestial body caused by the gravitational pull of another body.
perturbational (adjective)
Relating to or causing perturbation.
- The earthquake caused a perturbation in the region's geological structure.(地震导致了该地区地质结构的扰动。)
- The unexpected news caused a perturbation among the employees.(这个意外的消息使员工们感到不安。)
- He felt a sense of perturbation before his big presentation.(在做重要演讲之前,他感到一种不安。)
- The planet's orbit was affected by the perturbation of a nearby celestial body.(该行星的轨道受到附近天体的扰动影响。)
- The perturbational force caused the pendulum to swing irregularly.(扰动力使摆锤摆动得不规律。)
- Her perturbational behavior worried her friends.(她令朋友们担忧的不安行为。)
- After the accident, he experienced a perturbation in his daily routine.(事故发生后,他的日常生活受到了扰动。)
- The sudden loud noise caused a perturbation in the calm atmosphere.(突然的巨响打破了宁静的氛围。)
- His perturbation was evident from his trembling hands.(他颤抖的手表明了他的不安。)
- She tried to hide her perturbation behind a smile.(她试图在微笑背后隐藏她的不安。)
- The perturbations in the system's behavior were caused by external factors.(系统行为的扰动是由外部因素引起的。)
- The scientist studied the perturbations in the planet's orbit.(科学家研究了该行星轨道的扰动。)
- The perturbational effects of the new drug were observed in the clinical trial.(新药的扰动效应在临床试验中得到了观察。)
- The perturbational force of the earthquake caused the buildings to collapse.(地震的扰动力使建筑物倒塌。)
- Her perturbational behavior disrupted the harmony of the group.(她扰乱了团队的和谐,表现出不安的行为。)
- The perturbational waves caused by the passing ship disturbed the calm water.(船只经过时引起的扰动波浪打破了宁静的水面。)
- His perturbational actions during the meeting created tension among the participants.(会议期间他的扰乱行为在参与者之间制造了紧张氛围。)
- The perturbation in the stock market led to a decrease in investor confidence.(股市的扰动导致投资者信心下降。)
- The therapist helped her cope with the perturbations in her personal life.(治疗师帮助她应对个人生活中的扰动。)
- He remained calm despite the perturbations around him.(尽管周围发生扰动,他仍然保持冷静。)
- The perturbational effects of the storm caused widespread damage to the city.(风暴的扰动效应给城市造成了广泛的破坏。)