1. observational [ɒbzər'veɪʃ(ə)n(ə)l] adj. 观察的;根据观察得出的 2. observatory [əb'zɜːvət(ə)rɪ] adj. 天文台的;可供观测的名词
1. observation [ˌɒbzər'veɪʃ(ə)n] n. 观察;观测;观点 2. observations [ˌɒbzər'veɪʃ(ə)nz] n. 观察记录;观测数据词语辨析
1. make observations 进行观察 2. keen observation 敏锐的观察 3. systematic observation 系统观测 4. close observation 密切观察 5. careful observation 细致观察近义词
observations (noun) 1. the act or an instance of observing or noting; perception 2. an act, instance, or remark of watching, noticing, or regarding 3. a comment or remark 4. the facts learned from observing 5. the act of keeping or maintaining the law, a custom, etc 6. the condition of being observed牛津词典
observations (noun) 1. the action or process of observing something or someone carefully or in order to gain information 2. a remark, statement, or comment based on something one has seen, heard, or noticed 3. the ability to notice things, especially significant details用法
1. make observations The scientists made observations of the animal's behavior in its natural habitat. 科学家们在动物的自然栖息地进行了观察。 2. careful observation Through careful observation, the detective noticed a clue that led to the murderer. 经过仔细观察,侦探发现了一个线索,导致了凶手的抓获。 3. observation deck The observation deck of the skyscraper provides a breathtaking view of the city. 摩天大楼的观景台提供了令人惊叹的城市景观。 4. under observation The patient is currently under observation to monitor their condition. 病人目前正在接受观察,以监测他们的状况。 5. record observations The researchers carefully recorded their observations in a laboratory notebook. 研究人员将他们的观察结果仔细记录在实验室笔记本上。例句
- I made some interesting observations during my trip to the zoo.(我在动物园的旅行中进行了一些有趣的观察。)
- Her keen observation skills allowed her to detect subtle changes in the environment.(她敏锐的观察力使她能够察觉到环境中微妙的变化。)
- The police are conducting close observations of the suspect's activities.(警方正在密切观察嫌疑人的活动。)
- His observations on the current economic situation were insightful.(他对当前经济形势的观察见解独到。)
- The scientist carefully recorded his observations in a research journal.(科学家将他的观察结果仔细记录在研究日志中。)
- It is important to conduct systematic observations in order to gather reliable data.(进行系统观察以收集可靠数据是很重要的。)
- She sat on the observation deck, enjoying the panoramic view of the city.(她坐在观景台上,欣赏城市的全景。)
- The child's behavior is under observation to determine if further intervention is necessary.(对孩子的行为进行观察,以确定是否需要进一步干预。)
- The astronomer spent hours each night making observations of distant galaxies.(天文学家每晚花费数小时观测遥远的星系。)
- Based on my observations, I believe there is a correlation between the two variables.(根据我的观察,我认为这两个变量之间存在相关性。)
- Her observations about human behavior were published in a renowned psychology journal.(她关于人类行为的观察结果发表在一本著名的心理学期刊上。)
- The student's keen observations during the experiment led to a breakthrough in the research.(学生在实验中的敏锐观察为研究带来了突破。)
- The police officer's observations were crucial in solving the crime.(警官的观察结果对破案至关重要。)
- After months of observation, the scientist was able to formulate a hypothesis.(经过数月的观察,科学家得出了一个假设。)
- The patient's progress is under observation to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment.(病人的进展正在接受观察,以确保治疗的有效性。)
- The birdwatcher recorded his bird observations in a field guide.(鸟类观察者将他对鸟类的观察记录在野外指南中。)
- Her observations on the behavior of primates in captivity were published in a renowned scientific journal.(她关于圈养灵长类动物行为的观察结果发表在一本著名的科学期刊上。)
- The detective made careful observations of the crime scene to gather evidence.(侦探对犯罪现场进行仔细观察以收集证据。)
- Through close observation, the scientist discovered a new species of insect.(通过密切观察,科学家发现了一种新的昆虫物种。)
- The teacher's observations of the students' behavior were noted in their progress reports.(教师对学生行为的观察结果在他们的进展报告中被记录下来。)
- His observations about the impact of climate change were presented at an international conference.(他关于气候变化影响的观察结果在国际会议上进行了展示。)