1. 坐起的;坐起来的
1. 仰卧起坐
2. (美国的)铁路床
crunch, curl-up
situp (noun)
A situp is an exercise that you do to strengthen your stomach muscles. You lie on your back, lift your upper body up to a sitting position, and then lie back down again.
situp (noun)
An exercise in which a person lies flat on their back, lifts their body up to a sitting position, and then lies flat again, used to strengthen the stomach muscles.
1. Do situps regularly to strengthen your core muscles.
2. He can do fifty situps in a row without getting tired.
- I do situps every morning to keep my abs strong.(我每天早上做仰卧起坐来锻炼腹肌。)
- She does situps and crunches at the gym to tone her abdominal muscles.(她在健身房做仰卧起坐和卷腹运动来调整腹肌。)
- He struggled to do a single situp due to his weak core muscles.(由于核心肌肉虚弱,他很难做一次仰卧起坐。)
- My trainer suggested adding situps to my workout routine to target my abs.(我的教练建议我在锻炼计划中增加仰卧起坐来锻炼腹肌。)
- She could only manage five situps initially, but now she can do twenty without a break.(起初她只能做五个仰卧起坐,但现在她可以连续做二十个。)
- He completed a hundred situps as part of his daily exercise regime.(作为每天的锻炼计划,他完成了一百个仰卧起坐。)
- My coach timed me while I did situps to see how many I could do in one minute.(我的教练在我做仰卧起坐时计时,看看我能在一分钟内做多少个。)
- She used an exercise mat to cushion her back while performing situps.(她在做仰卧起坐时使用了运动垫来缓冲背部。)
- He added situps to his workout routine to target his abdominal muscles.(他在锻炼计划中增加了仰卧起坐来锻炼腹肌。)
- She incorporated situps into her daily exercise routine to strengthen her core.(她将仰卧起坐纳入每天的锻炼计划中,以增强核心力量。)
- He struggled to do a situp without any assistance due to his weak abdominal muscles.(由于腹肌虚弱,他很难独立完成一次仰卧起坐。)
- She focused on her breathing while performing situps to maintain proper form.(她在做仰卧起坐时专注于呼吸,以保持正确的形式。)
- He started with ten situps a day and gradually increased the number over time.(他每天开始做十个仰卧起坐,随着时间的推移逐渐增加次数。)
- She felt a burn in her abdominal muscles after completing a set of situps.(完成一组仰卧起坐后,她感到腹肌发热。)
- He used a stability ball to add an extra challenge to his situp routine.(他使用稳定球为他的仰卧起坐锻炼增加了额外的挑战。)
- She found it difficult to maintain proper form during situps as her core strength decreased.(随着核心力量的减弱,她发现在做仰卧起坐时很难保持正确的形式。)
- He performed situps on an incline bench to target his upper abs.(他在倾斜的长凳上做仰卧起坐,以锻炼上腹肌。)
- She added weights to her situp routine to increase the intensity of the exercise.(她在仰卧起坐锻炼中增加了负重,以增加运动的强度。)
- He struggled to complete a situp without any support due to his weak core muscles.(由于核心肌肉虚弱,他很难在没有任何支撑的情况下完成一次仰卧起坐。)
- She felt a strain in her neck while performing situps, indicating incorrect form.(在做仰卧起坐时,她感到颈部有些紧张,表明形式不正确。)
- He could only manage a few situps initially, but with practice, he improved his strength.(起初他只能做几个仰卧起坐,但通过练习,他提高了自己的力量。)