filament [ˈfɪləmənt]
- filamentous [ˌfɪləˈmɛntəs]:如丝线般的
filament [ˈfɪləmənt]
- 细丝;丝状物
- (灯泡等的)灯丝
- (植物的)花丝
- (蜘蛛等的)丝线
1. filament vs. fiber
1. filamentary [ˌfɪləˈmɛntəri]:丝状的,由丝状物组成的
strand, thread, fiber, wire
mass, block, chunk, piece
filament [ˈfɪləmənt]
a very fine or thin thread or threadlike structure; a fiber or fibril. - NOUN
the slender part of a stamen that supports the anther. - NOUN
a conducting wire or thread with a high melting point, forming part of an electric bulb or vacuum tube and heated or made incandescent by an electric current.
filament [ˈfɪləmənt]
a slender threadlike object or fiber, especially one found in animal or plant structures. - NOUN
a fine wire or thread in an electric light bulb or other incandescent lamp.
1. The microscope revealed the presence of filaments in the water sample.
2. The filament of the lightbulb burned out and needed to be replaced.
3. The spider spun a delicate filament to catch its prey.
- The caterpillar spun a silk filament to create its cocoon.(毛毛虫吐丝纺丝,制造了自己的茧。)
- She carefully threaded the needle with a fine filament of thread.(她小心翼翼地用一根细丝线穿过针眼。)
- The lightbulb's filament glowed brightly when the lamp was turned on.(灯泡的灯丝在开灯后发出明亮的光芒。)
- The microscope revealed the delicate filaments that make up the spider's web.(显微镜显示出组成蜘蛛网的精细丝状物。)
- The artist used filaments of different colors to create a unique woven artwork.(艺术家使用不同颜色的细丝线来创作独特的编织艺术品。)
- The filament of the flower's stamen releases pollen.(花蕊的花丝释放花粉。)
- He carefully soldered the filament back into place.(他小心翼翼地焊接灯丝回到原位。)
- She weaved the filaments of silk into a beautiful scarf.(她将丝线编织成一条漂亮的围巾。)
- Inside the vacuum tube, the filament heats up and emits light.(在真空管内,灯丝加热并发出光线。)
- The delicate filaments of the mushroom can be easily damaged.(蘑菇的细丝状物很容易受损。)
- The artist used filaments of wire to create a three-dimensional sculpture.(艺术家使用金属丝制作了一座立体雕塑。)
- He carefully removed the broken filament from the lightbulb.(他小心地将灯泡的断灯丝取出。)
- The spider's web glistened with dewdrops on the delicate filaments.(蜘蛛网上的细丝状物上闪烁着露珠。)
- The filament of the microscope was adjusted to achieve clear focus.(显微镜的灯丝被调整以获得清晰的焦点。)
- The filaments of the plant's root system absorb nutrients from the soil.(植物根系的细丝吸收土壤中的营养物质。)
- The scientist examined the filaments of the cell under a microscope.(科学家在显微镜下观察了细胞的丝状物。)
- She carefully untangled the filaments of fishing line.(她小心翼翼地解开渔线的丝状物。)
- The filament of the electric heater glowed red as it heated up.(电暖器的灯丝加热时发出红光。)
- He used a fine filament brush to paint the intricate details.(他使用细丝笔刷绘制复杂的细节。)
- The filament of the projector burned out during the presentation.(放映机的灯泡在演示期间烧坏了。)
- The artist carefully threaded the filaments of different colors through the loom.(艺术家将不同颜色的细丝线穿过织布机。)