1. 承认的;认可的(adjective)
- 中文含义:表示接受或确认某事实或观点。
- 英文含义:accepting or recognizing a fact or viewpoint.
2. 表示感谢的(adjective)
- 中文含义:表示对某人或某事的感激或赞赏。
- 英文含义:expressing gratitude or appreciation towards someone or something.
1. 承认(noun)
- 中文含义:表示接受或确认某事实或观点的行为。
- 英文含义:the act of accepting or recognizing a fact or viewpoint.
2. 感谢;感激(noun)
- 中文含义:表示对某人或某事的感激或赞赏的感情或行为。
- 英文含义:the feeling or act of expressing gratitude or appreciation towards someone or something.
- acknowledge与recognize:两者都表示承认或认可某事实或观点,但acknowledge更强调明确地接受或意识到,而recognize更侧重于辨别和确认。
- acknowledgement:名词形式,承认或感谢的行为或表达。
- unacknowledged:形容词,未被承认或未被感谢的。
- admit、accept、recognize、appreciate
- deny、reject、disclaim
- acknowledging (verb): If you acknowledge a fact or a situation, you accept or admit that it is true or that it exists.
- acknowledging (verb): Accept or admit the existence or truth of.
- 他承认自己犯了一个错误。
- He acknowledged that he had made a mistake.
- 我们应该承认这个事实。
- We should acknowledge the fact.
- 她向所有帮助过她的人表示感谢。
- She acknowledged everyone who had helped her.
- 我们对他的慷慨解囊表示衷心的感谢。
- We express our heartfelt gratitude for his generous donation.
- 他们不愿承认他们的错误。
- They are unwilling to acknowledge their mistakes.
- 这个项目的成功得到了全体员工的认可。
- The success of the project was acknowledged by all the staff.
- 我们应该承认并尊重不同的观点。
- We should acknowledge and respect different viewpoints.
- 他向他的老师表示了他的感激之情。
- He expressed his acknowledgment to his teacher.
- 他承认了自己的罪行。
- He acknowledged his guilt.
- 政府承认了问题的重要性。
- The government acknowledged the importance of the issue.
- 她感激地接受了他的帮助。
- She acknowledged his help with gratitude.
- 我们必须承认自己的错误,并学会从中吸取教训。
- We must acknowledge our mistakes and learn from them.
- 他对她的忠诚表示了感激之情。
- He expressed his gratitude for her loyalty.
- 我们应该承认这个事实的存在。
- We should acknowledge the existence of this fact.
- 她对他的付出表示了感谢。
- She acknowledged his efforts with thanks.
- 我们需要认识到这个问题的重要性。
- We need to recognize the importance of this issue.
- 他对她的善意表示了感激之情。
- He expressed his appreciation for her kindness.
- 我们不应该否认自己的错误。
- We should not deny our mistakes.
- 她拒绝承认她的过错。
- She refused to acknowledge her fault.
- 我们应该拒绝接受不公平的待遇。
- We should reject unfair treatment.
- 他否认了所有指控。
- He denied all the accusations.
- 她不承认自己的过失。
- She disclaimed any responsibility for the failure.
- 此事未被承认。
- This matter remains unacknowledged.