- (人)惊慌的,恐慌的
- (情绪、行为)慌乱的,慌张的
- 惊慌,恐慌
nervous, anxious, agitated, flustered, alarmed
calm, composed, collected
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary):
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary):
1. 形容词用法:
- She felt panicky and couldn't think clearly. (她感到惊慌,思维不清晰)
- The panicky crowd rushed towards the exit. (惊慌失措的人群冲向出口)
2. 名词用法:
- He experienced a moment of panicky when he realized he had lost his wallet. (当他意识到自己丢失了钱包时,他感到了一阵惊慌)
- She became panicky when she couldn't find her phone.(当她找不到手机时,她变得惊慌失措)
- The noise and chaos made everyone feel panicky.(嘈杂和混乱使每个人都感到惊慌)
- The panicky horse broke free from its reins and ran wildly.(惊慌失措的马挣脱了缰绳,疯狂地奔跑)
- Don't get panicky, I'm sure we can find a solution.(不要惊慌,我相信我们能找到解决办法)
- She had a panicky feeling that something bad was about to happen.(她有一种不祥的惊慌感,似乎有什么不好的事情即将发生)
- He tried to remain calm, but inside he felt panicky.(他试图保持冷静,但内心里感到惊慌)
- The panicky passengers rushed towards the lifeboats when the ship started sinking.(当船开始下沉时,惊慌失措的乘客们冲向救生艇)
- The loud noise startled the panicky birds, causing them to fly away in all directions.(巨大的噪音吓飞了惊慌失措的鸟儿,使它们四散飞走)
- Her heart started racing and she felt panicky, as if she was being chased.(她的心开始加速,她感到惊慌,好像有人在追赶她)
- The panicky driver lost control of the car and crashed into a tree.(惊慌失措的司机失去了对车辆的控制,撞向了一棵树)
- In a panicky situation, it's important to stay calm and think clearly.(在惊慌的情况下,保持冷静和清晰思考是很重要的)
- The loud bangs from the fireworks made the dog panicky and it ran off to hide.(烟花的巨响使狗感到惊慌,它跑开找地方躲藏)
- I could hear the panicky voices of people trapped inside the burning building.(我能听到被困在着火建筑物内的人们的惊慌声音)
- Her panicky reaction to the spider surprised everyone in the room.(她对蜘蛛的惊慌反应让房间里的每个人都感到惊讶)
- The panicky crowd pushed and shoved to get out of the crowded theater.(惊慌失措的人群推搡着想要离开拥挤的剧院)
- His heart rate increased and he started feeling panicky when he realized he was lost in the unfamiliar neighborhood.(当他意识到自己迷失在陌生的街区时,心率加快,感到惊慌)
- She had a panicky look on her face as she searched for her lost keys.(她脸上带着惊慌的表情,寻找着丢失的钥匙)
- He felt a panicky sensation in his chest as he descended in the crowded elevator.(当他在拥挤的电梯中下降时,他感到一种胸闷的惊慌感)
- The panicky child cried out for his mother when he got separated from her in the supermarket.(当他在超市与母亲走散时,惊慌失措的孩子向她喊叫)
- The panicky driver slammed on the brakes to avoid hitting the pedestrian.(惊慌失措的驾驶员猛踩刹车以避免撞到行人)