sprain [spren] (v.)
- 扭伤;扭筋
- 扭伤;扭筋(尤指脚踝或手腕)
sprain [spren] (n.)
- 扭伤;扭筋
- 扭伤的部位
sprained [sprend] (adj.)
- 扭伤的
与"sprain"近义的词语有:twist, wrench, strain
与"sprain"反义的词语有:uninjured, unharmed
- (v.) If you sprain a joint, you accidentally damage it by twisting it or bending it violently. 扭伤
- (n.) A sprain is an accidental injury to a joint in your body, caused by twisting it or bending it violently. 扭伤
- (v.) Wrench or twist the ligaments of (an ankle, wrist, or other joint) violently so as to cause pain and swelling but not dislocation. 扭伤
- (n.) An injury to a joint in which the ligaments are stretched or torn. 扭伤
1. sprain (v.)
- She sprained her ankle while playing basketball.
- The athlete sprained his wrist during the match.
2. sprain (n.)
- He suffered a severe sprain in his knee.
- The doctor diagnosed her with a sprain in her ankle.
- He sprained his wrist when he fell off his bike. 他从自行车上摔下来时扭伤了手腕。
- She suffered a painful sprain in her ankle while hiking. 她在徒步旅行中扭伤了脚踝,非常痛苦。
- After the sprain, his ankle swelled up and he had difficulty walking. 扭伤后,他的脚踝肿胀了,行走困难。
- It's important to rest and elevate the sprained joint to reduce swelling. 休息和抬高扭伤的关节是减轻肿胀的重要方法。
- The doctor advised her to apply ice to the sprained area to alleviate the pain. 医生建议她在扭伤的部位敷冰以减轻疼痛。
- I slipped on the wet floor and sprained my ankle. 我在湿滑的地板上滑倒,扭伤了脚踝。
- She had to wear a brace to support her sprained wrist. 她不得不戴上支撑器来支持扭伤的手腕。
- The basketball player sprained his ankle during practice. 这位篮球运动员在训练中扭伤了脚踝。
- He had a sprain in his knee after a skiing accident. 在滑雪事故后,他的膝盖扭伤了。
- The doctor wrapped her sprained wrist in a bandage. 医生用绷带包扎了她扭伤的手腕。
- She limped after the sprain in her ankle. 扭伤脚踝后,她一瘸一拐地走路。
- He received immediate medical attention for the severe sprain in his elbow. 他因手肘严重扭伤得到了及时的医疗。
- The doctor recommended physical therapy to aid in the recovery of the sprained ankle. 医生建议进行物理疗法以帮助康复扭伤的脚踝。
- She slipped on the ice and sprained her wrist. 她在冰上滑倒,扭伤了手腕。
- After the fall, he experienced a lot of pain in his sprained shoulder. 跌倒后,他的肩膀受伤非常疼痛。
- Her sprained ankle required several weeks of rest and rehabilitation. 她扭伤的脚踝需要几周的休息和康复。
- The doctor advised her to avoid putting weight on her sprained foot. 医生建议她避免对扭伤的脚施加重压。
- She used crutches to assist her mobility while recovering from the sprain. 在康复期间,她使用拐杖来帮助行动。
- His sprained wrist prevented him from participating in the tennis tournament. 扭伤的手腕使他无法参加网球比赛。
- The doctor confirmed that it was a sprain and not a fracture. 医生确认这是一次扭伤而不是骨折。