1. 自愿的;志愿的 2. 自发的;自主的 3. 非强制性的;非义务的 4. 故意的;蓄意的名词
1. 志愿者 2. 自愿行动 3. 自愿工作 4. 志愿军词语辨析
voluntary, willing, spontaneous, optional, uncoerced词汇扩充
voluntarily (副词), voluntariness (名词)近义词
voluntary - willing, spontaneous, uncoerced反义词
voluntary - involuntary, compulsory柯林斯词典
adj. 1. A voluntary action is done because someone chooses to do it, and not because they have to do it. 2. A voluntary organization is one which people do not get paid for working for. 3. Voluntary work is done by people who do it because they want to, and who are not paid. n. 1. A voluntary is a person who does something, especially helping other people, willingly and without being forced or paid to do it. 2. Voluntary work is done by people who do it because they want to, and who are not paid.牛津词典
adj. 1. Done, given, or acting of one's own free will. 2. Working, done, or maintained without payment. n. 1. A person who freely offers to take part in an enterprise or undertake a task. 2. A piece of music, especially an organ solo, played before, during, or after a church service.用法
- She decided to do voluntary work in Africa. 她决定去非洲做志愿工作。
- His participation in the project was purely voluntary. 他参与这个项目完全是自愿的。
- The organization relies on voluntary contributions. 这个组织依靠自愿捐助。
- Many people signed up to be volunteers for the charity. 很多人报名成为这个慈善机构的志愿者。
- She made a voluntary donation to the homeless shelter. 她自愿向无家可归者收容所捐款。
- The choir performed a beautiful voluntary during the church service. 合唱团在教堂礼拜期间演奏了一首美妙的自选曲。
- He made a voluntary confession to the police. 他自愿向警方坦白了。
- The company announced voluntary redundancies. 公司宣布自愿裁员。
- She made a voluntary decision to quit her job and travel the world. 她自主决定辞职并环游世界。
- Children's participation in after-school activities is voluntary. 孩子们参加课外活动是自愿的。
- The survey was conducted on a voluntary basis. 这项调查是自愿参与的。
- She joined the voluntary army to fight for her country. 她加入了志愿军为国家而战。
- The charity relies heavily on voluntary donations. 这个慈善机构在很大程度上依赖志愿捐款。
- He willingly gave his time for voluntary work at the local hospital. 他乐意为当地医院的志愿工作贡献自己的时间。
- The company offers voluntary redundancy packages to its employees. 公司向员工提供自愿裁员补偿计划。
- She chose to undertake voluntary work in a developing country. 她选择在一个发展中国家从事志愿工作。
- The voluntary sector plays a crucial role in providing social services. 志愿部门在提供社会服务方面起着至关重要的作用。
- His participation in the project was entirely voluntary. 他完全是自愿参与这个项目的。
- They organized a voluntary cleanup of the local park. 他们组织了一次自愿清扫当地公园的活动。
- She has been involved in voluntary work for many years. 她多年来一直从事志愿工作。
- The voluntary sector relies on the dedication of its volunteers. 志愿部门依靠志愿者的奉献精神。
- Voluntary contributions are always welcome. 欢迎各种自愿捐助。
- The organization provides training for volunteers who wish to undertake voluntary work overseas. 这个组织为希望在海外从事志愿工作的志愿者提供培训。
- She decided to do some voluntary teaching at the local school. 她决定在当地学校做一些志愿教学。
- Voluntary organizations rely on the generosity of the public. 志愿组织依靠公众的慷慨。
- He made a voluntary contribution to the charity. 他自愿向慈善机构捐款。
- The government launched a voluntary recycling program. 政府推出了一个自愿回收计划。
- Many people choose to do voluntary work in their spare time. 很多人选择在闲暇时间做志愿工作。
- She decided to take a voluntary redundancy package. 她决定接受自愿裁员补偿计划。
- Voluntary work can be a rewarding experience. 志愿工作可以给人带来满足感。
- He joined the voluntary organization to help with community projects. 他加入了志愿组织,帮助社区项目。