1. 有重量的
Collins: having weight
Oxford: heavy, having weight
1. 重物
Collins: heavy objects used to add resistance or to help build strength
Oxford: heavy objects
2. 权重
Collins: a system or way of giving importance to things or people according to how useful or valuable they are
Oxford: importance or influence
3. 砝码
Collins: a piece of metal or stone that is used to make a set of scales balance
Oxford: a piece of metal or a heavy object used for measuring the weight of something
1. weight vs. mass
Weight refers to the force exerted on an object due to the gravitational pull of the Earth, while mass refers to the amount of matter in an object.
1. lightweight
Collins: a person or thing that is not heavy
Oxford: a weight class in boxing and wrestling, or a person or thing that is not heavy
1. burden
Collins: something difficult or worrying that you are responsible for
Oxford: a heavy load or responsibility
2. load
Collins: a heavy object that is being carried or is about to be carried
Oxford: a heavy or bulky thing that is being carried or is about to be carried
1. weightless
Collins: having little or no weight
Oxford: without weight
1. (名词)
a. (for scales) 砝码
b. (= dumbbells) 杠铃
c. (for fishing) 铅坠
d. (for curtains) 铅坠
e. (= weightlifting) 举重
2. (动词)
a. (See also weight down) 给…配重
b. (= balance) 平衡
1. (名词)
a. (for scales) 砝码
b. (for fishing) 铅坠
c. (for curtains) 铅坠
d. (for exercising) 杠铃
e. (for balancing) 平衡
2. (动词)
a. 给…配重
b. (See also weight down) 使平衡
She lifted the weights at the gym to build her muscles. (她在健身房举重锻炼肌肉。)
The doctor recommended using ankle weights during the exercise. (医生建议在锻炼时使用脚踝配重。)
He attached weights to the curtains to keep them from blowing in the wind. (他在窗帘上悬挂了铅坠以防止被风吹动。)
The weight of the evidence supports his claim. (证据的重要性支持了他的主张。)
Please adjust the weight on the scale to get an accurate measurement. (请调整秤上的砝码以获取准确的测量结果。)
The weight of public opinion influenced the government's decision. (公众舆论的影响力影响了政府的决策。)
The backpack was so heavy that it felt like carrying a weight on his shoulders. (背包非常重,感觉像在肩上背着一个重物。)
The instructor demonstrated the proper technique for lifting weights. (教练演示了正确的举重技巧。)
She struggled to lift the heavy weights above her head. (她费力地将沉重的杠铃举过头顶。)
The fisherman attached a weight to the fishing line to sink the bait. (渔夫在钓线上加了一个铅坠,使鱼饵下沉。)
The weight of responsibility was overwhelming for him. (责任的重压让他感到不堪重负。)
She struggled under the burden of her past mistakes. (她在过去错误的重负下挣扎。)
The truck was overloaded with a heavy load of bricks. (卡车装载着沉重的一车砖块。)
The porter carried the load on his back and walked up the stairs. (搬运工将货物背在背上,走上了楼梯。)
The astronauts experienced weightlessness in space. (宇航员在太空中体验到失重状态。)
She felt weightless as she floated in the water. (她在水中漂浮时感到无重感。)
The airplane's weight was evenly distributed across the wings. (飞机的重量均匀分布在机翼上。)
He used a lightweight backpack for hiking. (他使用轻便的背包进行徒步旅行。)
The boxer moved down a weight class for the upcoming fight. (拳击手为即将到来的比赛降级。)
She carefully adjusted the weights on the balance scale. (她小心地调整了天平上的砝码。)
The child struggled to lift the heavy weight off the ground. (孩子费力地将沉重的重物从地上抬起。)