1. 湿泥的
2. 湿滑的
1. 水坑
2. 水洼
1. 水坑(water hole)通常是指因为雨水积聚而形成的较大的水池。
2. 水洼(puddle)通常指较小的、在道路或人行道上形成的水坑。
1. 湿地(wetland)
2. 水渍(water stain)
3. 湿滑(slippery)
1. pool
2. pond
3. lagoon
1. dry land
2. arid ground
3. parched soil
Puddles are small, shallow areas of water, especially rainwater on the ground.
Puddles are small pools of water, especially rainwater on the ground.
1. The children jumped in the puddles after the rain.
2. The road was filled with puddles after the storm.
3. He slipped and fell because of the puddles on the sidewalk.
4. The ducks were swimming in the puddle.
5. Be careful not to step in the puddles when crossing the street.
- After the heavy rain, the streets were covered in puddles. - 大雨过后,街道上到处都是水洼。
- The child splashed in the puddles with delight. - 孩子高兴地在水洼中跳跃。
- She accidentally stepped into a deep puddle and soaked her shoes. - 她不小心踩进了一个深水坑,鞋子湿透了。
- The dog eagerly lapped up the water from the puddle. - 狗狗渴望地舔起了水坑中的水。
- They used sandbags to prevent the puddles from flooding their backyard. - 他们用沙袋防止水坑淹没后院。
- The car drove through a large puddle and splashed water onto the pedestrians. - 汽车开过一个大水坑,溅水到了行人身上。
- She avoided the puddles as she didn't want to get her new shoes dirty. - 她避开了水洼,不想弄脏她的新鞋。
- The raindrops formed tiny puddles on the window sill. - 雨滴在窗台上形成了小小的水洼。
- He jumped over the puddle to avoid getting his pants wet. - 他跳过水洼,避免弄湿裤子。
- There were puddles everywhere after the storm, making it difficult to walk. - 暴风雨过后到处都是水洼,行走很困难。
- The children enjoyed stomping in the puddles and getting their rain boots dirty. - 孩子们喜欢在水洼中跺脚,把雨靴弄脏。
- She carefully stepped around the puddles to avoid slipping. - 她小心地绕过水洼,以免滑倒。
- The rain had formed deep puddles in the potholes on the road. - 雨水在路上的坑洼中形成了深水坑。
- He absentmindedly stepped into a puddle and cursed as his shoes got soaked. - 他心不在焉地踩进了一个水洼,鞋子湿透了,他咒骂着。
- The ducks swam happily in the puddles of the park. - 鸭子在公园的水洼中快乐地游泳。
- The rain had turned the dirt road into a muddy puddle. - 雨把土路变成了泥泞的水坑。
- She carefully walked around the puddles in her elegant dress. - 她穿着优雅的裙子小心翼翼地绕过水洼。
- The contractor filled the puddle on the construction site with gravel. - 承包商用碎石填平了工地上的水坑。
- His shoes were covered in mud from stepping in the puddles. - 他的鞋子被踩进水洼中的泥浆弄脏了。
- The child splashed in the puddles and giggled with delight. - 孩子在水洼中扑腾着,高兴地咯咯笑。
- She carefully avoided the puddles on the sidewalk, not wanting to get her new shoes dirty. - 她小心翼翼地避开人行道上的水洼,不想弄脏她的新鞋。