1. sprawled /sprɔ:ld/:伸展开的;杂乱无序的
2. sprawling /sprɔ:lɪŋ/:蔓延的;杂乱无序的
1. sprawl /sprɔ:l/:蔓延;扩张;无序杂乱的扩展
2. urban sprawl /ˈɜ:bən sprɔ:l/:城市扩张
Sprawl与urban sprawl之间的区别在于,后者更加指涉到城市规模的扩张、城市化带来的问题,而前者更加强调杂乱无序的蔓延。
- spread /sprɛd/:扩展;传播
- extend /ɪkˈstɛnd/:扩展;延伸
- stretch /strɛtʃ/:延伸;伸展
- expand /ɪkˈspænd/:扩大;扩展
- spread:蔓延
- extend:延伸
- stretch:伸展
- condensed:紧凑的
- compact:紧密的
- concentrated:集中的
1. If you sprawl somewhere, you sit or lie down with your legs and arms spread out in a careless or relaxed way.
2. If a town or city sprawls, its buildings spread gradually into the areas around the centre.
3. If you say that a place or organization sprawls, you mean that it covers a large area of land, often untidily.
1. Sit, lie, or fall with one's arms and legs spread out in an ungainly or awkward way.
2. Spread out over a large area in an untidy or irregular way.
3. A disorderly mass of objects; a jumble.
1. The children sprawled on the grass in the park, enjoying the sunshine.
2. The city has been sprawling into the surrounding countryside.
3. The factory sprawls across 20 acres of land.
- The city sprawls across the valley, extending into the neighboring towns.
- She lay sprawled on the couch, reading a book.
- Urban sprawl is a major challenge for city planners.
- He had a sprawling garden behind his house.
- The town's rapid sprawl has caused traffic congestion.
- The child sprawled on the floor, playing with his toys.
- The company's new office building sprawls over several floors.
- The city's urban sprawl has led to the destruction of natural habitats.
- The city council is trying to control urban sprawl through zoning regulations.
- The city's downtown area is a stark contrast to the suburban sprawl.
- The city's rapid sprawl has resulted in the loss of farmland.
- The development project aims to prevent urban sprawl by focusing on infill development.
- The sprawling metropolis offers a wide range of cultural activities.
- The city's sprawl has led to increased pollution and traffic congestion.
- She sprawled across the bed, exhausted from the day's activities.
- The airport's terminals sprawl over a vast area.
- The city's sprawling suburbs are characterized by low-density housing.
- The town's rapid sprawl has led to the depletion of natural resources.
- The sprawling campus of the university is home to thousands of students.
- The city's uncontrolled sprawl has resulted in a lack of public transportation options.
- The city's sprawl has led to the loss of green spaces and increased pollution.