1. footstep的形容词形式为footsteppy。
1. footstep (名词) = 脚步声
2. footstep (名词) = 足迹
3. footstep (名词) = 步伐
4. footstep (名词) = 行动
1. 脚步声 (footstep) 和足迹 (footprint) 的区别:
- 脚步声 (footstep) 指的是人或动物踩在地面上时发出的声音。
- 足迹 (footprint) 指的是人或动物踩在地面上留下的痕迹。
2. 步伐 (footstep) 和行动 (action) 的区别:
- 步伐 (footstep) 主要指人行走时的脚步动作。
- 行动 (action) 涵盖了更广泛的意义,指的是进行某种活动或采取某种行为。
footstep (名词)
1. The footsteps of a person or animal are the sounds made by their feet as they walk or run.
2. If you follow in someone's footsteps, you do the same thing or have the same job or way of life as they have had in the past.
footstep (名词)
1. The movement made by lifting your foot and putting it down in front of or behind the other foot when walking or running.
2. The sound that you make when you walk or run.
3. The way that someone walks or runs.
4. The things that someone has done in their life or career that are considered to be very important and that should be copied or respected by others.
1. I heard footsteps approaching from behind.
2. She followed in her mother's footsteps and became a doctor.
1. I heard footsteps approaching from behind. (我听到背后有脚步声。)
2. He walked with heavy footsteps. (他沉重地踱着步。)
3. The detective analyzed the footstep pattern to track the suspect. (侦探分析了脚步声的模式以追踪嫌疑人。)
4. She left small footprints in the sand. (她在沙滩上留下了小小的脚印。)
5. The footstep faded away in the distance. (脚步声在远处逐渐消失。)
6. His measured footstep indicated confidence and determination. (他有规律的步伐显示出自信和决心。)
7. The retreating footstep told me she had left. (远离的脚步声告诉我她已经离开了。)
8. The heavy footstep shook the ground. (沉重的脚步声震动了地面。)
9. I could hear the soft footstep of a cat outside. (我能听到外面一只猫的轻柔脚步声。)
10. He quickened his footstep when he heard the noise. (听到声音后,他加快了脚步。)
11. She followed in her father's footsteps and became a successful lawyer. (她继承了父亲的衣钵,成为一名成功的律师。)
12. The child tried to match his mother's footstep. (孩子试图模仿他妈妈的步伐。)
13. The old man's footstep was slow and unsteady. (老人的步履缓慢而不稳。)
14. The soldiers marched with synchronized footsteps. (士兵们齐步走,步调一致。)
15. The sound of footsteps echoed through the empty hallway. (脚步声在空荡荡的走廊中回荡。)
16. The footsteps on the stairs grew louder. (楼梯上的脚步声越来越响。)
17. She walked with a light footstep. (她走路轻盈。)
18. The criminal left footprints at the crime scene. (犯罪现场留下了嫌疑人的脚印。)
19. The footstep pattern indicated a hurried escape. (脚步声的模式表明是匆忙逃离。)
20. His footstep echoed in the empty hallway. (他的脚步声在空荡荡的走廊里回荡。)