1. 沉着的,冷静的(calm, composed)
2. 镇定的,安静的(quiet, tranquil)
3. 不活泼的,不激动的(unexcitable, sedate)
4. 严肃的,庄重的(serious, grave)
1. 镇静剂,安定剂(tranquilizer, sedative)
2. 安神剂(nervine, sedative)
- sedate与calm的区别在于sedate更强调冷静、镇定的状态,有时甚至带有一定的庄重感。
- tranquil与sedate的区别在于tranquil更侧重于安静、宁静的状态,而sedate更强调冷静、镇定的状态。
- sedateness (n.) 镇静,冷静
- sedately (adv.) 镇定地,沉着地
calm, composed, collected, cool, tranquil, serene, unexcitable
excitable, agitated, frenzied, restless
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
1. If you say that someone is sedate, you mean that they are calm, dignified, and unhurried.
- If you're looking for a quiet and sedate occupation, driving a bus is definitely not for you.
- 如果你正在寻找一个安静而庄重的职业,开公交车肯定不适合你。
2. A sedate activity or event is quiet and rather slow or formal.
- ...a sedate and pleasant lunch at the Ritz.
- ...在里茨酒店安静而愉快的午餐。
1. A sedative is a drug that makes you calm and sleepy.
- She was given a sedative to help her sleep.
- 她被给了一种镇静剂来帮助她入睡。
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
1. Calm, dignified, and unhurried.
- She remained sedate and composed throughout.
- 她一直保持着镇静和沉着。
2. (Of a place) quiet and rather dull.
- The sedate elegance of Bath.
- 巴斯的庄重典雅。
1. Administer a sedative to (someone).
- The doctor sedated the patient before the operation.
- 医生在手术前给患者注射了镇静剂。
1. He is known for his sedate demeanor.
- 他以冷静的举止而闻名。
2. The funeral was a sedate affair.
- 葬礼是一场庄重的仪式。
3. She took a sedate walk in the park.
- 她在公园里悠然散步。
4. The sedate pace of life in the countryside.
- 农村宁静的生活节奏。
5. The doctor sedated the patient before the surgery.
- 医生在手术前给患者注射了镇静剂。
6. The sedative helped her relax and sleep.
- 镇静剂帮助她放松和入睡。
7. The sedate atmosphere of the library was perfect for studying.
- 图书馆的安静氛围非常适合学习。
8. The sedate cat sat calmly on the windowsill, observing the world outside.
- 安静的猫坐在窗台上,平静地观察着外面的世界。
9. Despite the chaos around her, she remained sedate and focused on her work.
- 尽管周围一片混乱,她依然保持镇静,专注于工作。
10. The sedate music in the background created a relaxing ambiance.
- 轻柔的音乐营造出一种放松的氛围。
11. The sedate pace of the small town was a welcome change from the bustling city.
- 小镇宁静的步调是繁忙都市的一种受欢迎的改变。
12. The sedate old man rarely showed any emotion.
- 这位沉着的老人很少表露出任何情感。
13. The sedate beauty of the countryside was captivating.
- 农村的宁静美丽令人着迷。
14. The sedate colors of the painting gave it a timeless quality.
- 这幅画淡雅的色彩赋予了它永恒的品质。
15. She spoke in a sedate and measured tone.
- 她用一种镇静而有分寸的语调说话。
16. The sedate pace of the lecture made it difficult to stay engaged.
- 演讲的缓慢节奏使人难以保持注意力。
17. The sedate gathering was filled with polite conversation and gentle laughter.
- 庄重的聚会上充满了彬彬有礼的交谈和轻柔的笑声。
18. Her sedate demeanor gave her an air of authority.
- 她冷静的举止给她带来了一种权威的气息。
19. The sedate pace of the film made it difficult to stay awake.
- 电影的缓慢节奏使人难以保持清醒。
20. The sedative helped calm her nerves before the presentation.
- 镇静剂帮助她在演示前镇定了神经。