中英词典 - "splashed"
- 溅泼的;飞溅的
- 有斑点的;斑驳的
- 飞溅声;溅泼声
- 飞溅的水;溅泼的液体
- 喷溅;溅泼
spatter, sprinkle, spray, splatter, douse
dry, dehydrate
splashed (adj.)
1. covered or marked with splashings or spots, esp. of color
2. (of paint, etc.) applied unevenly or haphazardly
3. (of a publication) containing sensational or scandalous material
splash (n.)
1. the act of splashing or the sound made by this
2. a patch or daub of a contrasting or different colour, texture, or material embedded or laid in or on a surface
3. a small quantity of something scattered about, esp. over a surface or area
splashed (adj.)
1. covered with patches or spots of a different color or substance
2. (of paint, ink, etc.) applied or done with irregular patches or marks
splash (n.)
1. a sound made by something striking or falling into liquid
2. a small amount of liquid that has fallen or been dashed against a surface
3. a mark or pattern made by liquid splashing against a surface
The adjective "splashed" describes something that is covered with spots or has been splattered. The noun "splash" refers to the act of splashing or the sound made by it, as well as a small quantity of liquid scattered about.
- The child splashed water all over the floor. (这个孩子把水溅得到处都是。)
- The artist used a variety of colors and splashed them onto the canvas. (艺术家使用了多种颜色,把它们溅到画布上。)
- The newspaper has splashed scandalous allegations on its front page. (这份报纸在头版刊登了一些丑闻指控。)
- The car drove through a puddle and splashed muddy water on the pedestrians. (汽车驶过水坑,把泥水溅到了行人身上。)
- She had a splash of red paint on her white shirt. (她的白衬衫上有一块红色的污迹。)
- The children enjoyed playing in the pool, making splashes and laughing. (孩子们喜欢在泳池里玩耍,溅水和笑声此起彼伏。)
- He splashed some aftershave on his face after shaving. (他刮胡子后在脸上涂了些古龙水。)
- She splashed a little vinegar on the salad for extra flavor. (她在沙拉上撒了点醋以增加味道。)
- Be careful not to splash hot oil when cooking. (烹饪时小心不要溅到热油。)
- The waves crashed against the rocks, creating a spectacular splash. (海浪拍打着岩石,形成了壮观的飞溅。)
- The little boy jumped into the puddle with a splash. (小男孩跳进水坑中,溅起了水花。)
- The swimmer made a big splash as she dived into the pool. (游泳者跳入池中时溅起了巨大的水花。)
- She added a splash of lemon juice to the cocktail for a tangy taste. (她在鸡尾酒里加了一点柠檬汁,增添了一种酸爽的味道。)
- The chef finished the dish with a splash of olive oil. (厨师最后加了一点橄榄油点缀这道菜。)
- The paint splashes on the wall created an abstract pattern. (墙上的油漆飞溅形成了一个抽象的图案。)
- He accidentally splashed coffee on his shirt and had to change. (他不小心把咖啡溅到衬衫上,只好换衣服。)
- The children giggled as they splashed each other in the pool. (孩子们在泳池里互相溅水,咯咯地笑着。)
- The rain splashed against the window, creating a soothing sound. (雨水拍打着窗户,发出一种宁静的声音。)
- She splashed her face with cold water to wake herself up. (她用冷水洗脸来提醒自己。)
- The boat sailed through the waves, splashing water in all directions. (船只穿过波浪,四处溅起水花。)
- He accidentally splashed paint on his new jeans. (他不小心把油漆溅到了新牛仔裤上。)
- The dog shook itself, splashing water droplets all over the room. (狗摇晃身体,把水滴溅到房间的各个角落。)