1. adj. 睾丸的,睾丸样的
1. n. 睾丸,睾丸状物体
1. 睾丸:男性生殖系统中产生精子的两个椭圆形腺体之一。
2. 睾丸状物体:某些动物的类似睾丸的结构。
testicle 是一个男性生殖器官的专业词汇,指的是男性身体内的睾丸。
testis 是正式的医学术语,指的是男性动物的睾丸。
orchid:n. 兰花,睾丸兰
balls:n. 睾丸(俚语)
ovary:n. 卵巢
testicle (noun)
1. Either of the two male reproductive organs, in most mammals enclosed within the scrotum, that produce spermatozoa and testosterone.
2. A structure similar to a testicle in some invertebrates.
testicle (noun)
Either of the two oval organs that produce sperm in men and other male mammals, enclosed in the scrotum behind the penis.
1. 他的右睾丸受伤了。
- His right testicle got injured.
2. 某些动物的雄性有两个睾丸。
- Some animals have two testicles in males.
3. 这种动物具有睾丸状的生殖结构。
- This animal has a testicle-like reproductive structure.
4. 这种花被称为睾丸兰。
- This flower is known as orchid.
His right testicle got injured. 他的右睾丸受伤了。
Some animals have two testicles in males. 某些动物的雄性有两个睾丸。
This animal has a testicle-like reproductive structure. 这种动物具有睾丸状的生殖结构。
This flower is known as orchid. 这种花被称为睾丸兰。
The veterinarian found a tumor in the dog's testicle. 兽医在狗的睾丸中发现了一个肿瘤。
He underwent surgery to remove his testicles. 他接受了切除睾丸的手术。
The boxer received a powerful blow to the testicles. 这个拳击手的睾丸遭到了一记强力的打击。
Testicular cancer is more common in younger men. 睾丸癌在年轻男性中更为常见。
The doctor felt his testicles during the physical examination. 医生在体检时触摸了他的睾丸。
Infertility can be caused by problems with the testicles. 不育症可能由睾丸问题引起。
Elephants have internal testicles located near the kidneys. 大象的睾丸位于肾脏附近的内部。
The testicles produce testosterone and sperm. 睾丸产生睾酮和精子。
Some species of birds have brightly colored testicles. 一些鸟类的睾丸颜色鲜艳。
She accidentally kicked him in the testicles while playing soccer. 她在踢足球时不小心踢到了他的睾丸。
The doctor performed a testicular examination to check for abnormalities. 医生进行了睾丸检查以查看异常情况。
He experienced a dull ache in his testicles after the accident. 事故后,他的睾丸感到隐隐作痛。
The dog was neutered, and his testicles were removed. 这只狗进行了绝育手术,切除了睾丸。
The boxer wore a protective cup to shield his testicles during the match. 这个拳击手在比赛中戴着保护杯来保护他的睾丸。
He was diagnosed with testicular cancer and started chemotherapy. 他被诊断出患有睾丸癌,并开始了化疗。
His testicles are slightly swollen due to the infection. 由于感染,他的睾丸稍微肿胀。
She is conducting research on the reproductive system of fish, including the structure of their testicles. 她正在对鱼类的生殖系统进行研究,包括它们的睾丸结构。
He felt a sharp pain in his testicles after being hit by a cricket ball. 被板球击中后,他的睾丸感到剧痛。