1. 野心,雄心壮志:
the desire or determination to achieve success, power, or wealth
- He has great ambitions to become a successful entrepreneur.
- 她怀有成为一名著名作家的野心。
2. 抱负,志向:
an earnest desire for some type of achievement or distinction, as power, honor, fame, or wealth
- Her ambition is to become a world-class pianist.
- 他的抱负是成为一名优秀的科学家。
1. 有野心的,有抱负的:
having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed
- She is an ambitious young woman who wants to climb the corporate ladder quickly.
- 他是一个有野心的年轻人,想要迅速攀升公司阶梯。
2. 追求成功的,有抱负的:
having a strong desire for success or achievement
- The company is looking for ambitious individuals who are willing to take on challenges.
- 公司正在寻找有抱负、愿意接受挑战的个人。
Ambition 和 aspiration 都表示对成功或成就的渴望,但ambition 更强调追求权力、名利或地位;而 aspiration 则更侧重于追求理想、目标或精神上的满足。
1. ambitiousness:名词,有野心,有抱负
2. ambitiousness:名词,野心勃勃
1. aspiration:渴望,志向
2. drive:决心,动力
3. determination:决心,毅力
1. contentment:满足,知足
2. complacency:自满,骄傲自满
[n. 名词]
1. an ardent desire for rank, fame, or power
2. the object, state, or result desired or sought after
3. desire for work or activity; energy
4. something that one wants to do or achieve; goal
[n. 名词]
1. a strong desire to do or achieve something
2. a desire and determination to achieve success
3. the object or result that a person or group aims to achieve
ambitions 作名词时,通常用复数形式。
ambitions 作形容词时,用于描述人。
- His ambitions of becoming a lawyer were realized when he passed the bar exam.
- 他通过了律师考试,实现了他成为律师的愿望。
- She is driven by her ambition to become the CEO of the company.
- 她的抱负是成为公司的首席执行官。
- His ambitious nature led him to take on multiple projects at once.
- 他野心勃勃的天性使他一次承担了多个项目。
- They are looking for ambitious individuals who are willing to go the extra mile.
- 他们在寻找愿意付出额外努力的有抱负的人。
- Her ambition to become a renowned artist has been a driving force in her life.
- 成为一位著名艺术家的野心一直是她生活的动力。
- His ambitions were shattered when he failed to secure a place in the prestigious university.
- 当他未能进入这所享有盛誉的大学时,他的抱负破灭了。
- Despite facing numerous challenges, she never gave up on her ambitions.
- 尽管面临诸多挑战,她从未放弃过自己的抱负。
- The company's ambition to expand its market share led to the acquisition of several smaller firms.
- 公司为了扩大市场份额而收购了几家小型公司,这是其雄心的体现。
- His ambitions as a musician were fulfilled when he performed at the prestigious concert hall.
- 在享有盛誉的音乐厅演出是他作为音乐家的梦想实现了。
- She has always had ambitions of starting her own business and being her own boss.
- 她一直有创业、做老板的志向。