lure [lyʊər] (adj.) 1. 诱人的,吸引人的名词
lure [lyʊər] (n.) 1. 诱惑物,诱饵 2. 诱惑,引诱 3. 诱捕用具,陷阱词语辨析
1. lure vs. tempt - lure侧重指通过吸引、引诱来诱使某人或某物做某事; - tempt侧重指通过引诱、诱惑来试探、引诱某人犯错误或做违背原则的事。 2. lure vs. attract - lure强调通过吸引力或诱惑力引起某人的注意或兴趣; - attract侧重指因某种特质或特点而使某人或某物成为他人关注或喜欢的对象。词汇扩充
1. lure in 引诱进入 2. lure away 引诱离开 3. lure out 引诱出来 4. lure back 引诱回来 5. lure off 诱使离开近义词
1. entice [ɪn'taɪs] 引诱 2. tempt [tɛmpt] 诱惑 3. attract [ə'trækt] 吸引反义词
1. repel [rɪ'pɛl] 排斥 2. discard [dɪs'kɑrd] 丢弃柯林斯词典
lure (lures, lured, luring) 1. countable noun - A lure is an object which is used to attract animals so that they can be caught. - 拖饵;饵;诱饵 - e.g. They attach a small lure to a fishing line. (他们在鱼线上挂了一个小鱼饵。) - e.g. ...a fishing lure. (...一种鱼饵。) 2. transitive verb - If something lures you somewhere, it provides you with reasons for going there. - 引诱;诱惑 - e.g. The scenery may lure you back to further exploration. (美景可能会吸引你返回进一步探索。) - e.g. The challenge of winning is what lured him into boxing. (胜利的挑战是吸引他参加拳击的原因。)牛津词典
lure (lures, lured, luring) 1. noun - A lure is something that tempts or is used to tempt a person or animal to do something or to go somewhere. - 诱惑物;诱饵;引诱物 - e.g. ...the lure of rural life and the peace that comes with it. (乡村生活的诱惑和随之而来的宁静。) - e.g. The lure of working in television has attracted a lot of young people. (电视工作的吸引力吸引了很多年轻人。) 2. transitive verb - If something lures you somewhere, it offers you something that you want in order to persuade you to go there. - 引诱;诱惑 - e.g. The city lured him with the promise of big money. (这座城市以巨额金钱的诺言吸引了他。) - e.g. The music is one of the things that lures visitors to the city. (音乐是吸引游客来这座城市的事物之一。)用法
- lure作为名词时,常与介词with搭配使用,表示用什么东西吸引某人或某物。 - lure作为动词时,常与介词to或into搭配使用,表示用某事物诱使某人或某物做某事或去某地。例句
- The beautiful beach lured tourists from all over the world. (这个美丽的沙滩吸引了来自世界各地的游客。)
- The promise of fame and fortune lured him to pursue a career in acting. (名利的诱惑使他追求了演艺事业。)
- The company used a generous salary package to lure top talent. (公司用丰厚薪资待遇吸引顶级人才。)
- She couldn't resist the lure of the luxurious lifestyle. (她无法抵挡住奢侈生活的诱惑。)
- The fishing bait was a colorful lure that attracted the fish. (那个色彩缤纷的鱼饵吸引了鱼儿。)
- They set up a trap with a tasty lure to catch the wild animal. (他们用美味的诱饵设置了一个陷阱来捕捉野生动物。)
- Despite the dangers, treasure hunters were lured by the legend of a hidden treasure. (尽管有危险,寻宝者被隐藏宝藏的传说所吸引。)
- The beautiful scenery of the countryside lured us back year after year. (乡村的美景每年都吸引我们回来。)
- The company used innovative marketing strategies to lure customers away from their competitors. (公司采用创新的营销策略吸引顾客远离竞争对手。)
- The promise of a well-paid job lured many people into the city. (高薪工作的承诺吸引了很多人进城。)
- She was lured by the smell of freshly baked bread. (她被新鲜出炉的面包的香味所吸引。)
- The hunter lured the deer out of hiding with a call. (猎人以叫声把鹿引出了藏身之处。)
- The suspect was lured into a trap set by the police. (嫌疑犯被警方设下的陷阱诱捕。)
- The promise of adventure lured him back to the dangerous path. (冒险的诱惑使他再次踏上危险的道路。)
- She used her charm to lure the young man back into her life. (她利用自己的魅力把那个年轻人重新吸引进她的生活。)
- They set up a bird feeder to lure different species of birds to their garden. (他们设置了一个鸟食器,以吸引不同种类的鸟类到他们的花园。)
- The promise of a promotion lured him to stay with the company. (晋升的诱惑使他留在了公司。)
- The hunter used a decoy to lure the ducks closer. (猎人用诱饵吸引鸭子靠近。)
- She was lured into a cult by the charismatic leader. (她被这个有魅力的领导人吸引进了一个邪教组织。)
- The promise of a better future lured him away from his hometown. (美好未来的诱惑使他离开了故乡。)
- The bright lights and bustling streets of the city lured tourists from all over the world. (城市的灯光明亮、街道繁忙吸引了来自世界各地的游客。)