1. ductile (形容词)名词
1. duct (名词)词语辨析
duct vs. tube词汇扩充
1. submandibular duct (名词)近义词
duct (noun)
duct (noun)
1. The air conditioning system has several ducts that distribute cool air throughout the building.
2. Tears flow from the tear ducts into the nasal cavity.
3. The plumber repaired the leaking duct in the basement.
4. The mammary ducts in the breast carry milk to the nipple during lactation.
1. The ventilation system uses large air ducts to circulate fresh air into the building. (通风系统使用大型风管将新鲜空气循环进楼内。)
2. The ducts in the human body transport various fluids such as saliva, tears, and bile. (人体内的导管输送各种液体,如唾液、眼泪和胆汁。)
3. The tear ducts can sometimes become blocked, causing excessive tearing. (眼泪管有时会被堵塞,导致过多流泪。)
4. The ductility of the metal allows it to be drawn into thin wires for electrical purposes. (金属的延展性使其可以拉成细丝用于电气目的。)
5. The air conditioning ducts need to be cleaned regularly to maintain good air quality. (空调风管需要定期清洁以保持良好的空气质量。)
6. The tear ducts drain excess tears from the eyes. (眼泪管排除多余的眼泪。)
7. The plumber installed new ducts to improve the heating system in the house. (管道工人安装了新的管道来改善房屋的供暖系统。)
8. The ductal system in the breast is responsible for producing and transporting milk. (乳腺的导管系统负责产生和输送乳汁。)
9. The tear ducts connect the eyes to the nasal cavity. (泪管将眼睛连接到鼻腔。)
10. The ducts in the plant transport nutrients and water from the roots to the leaves. (植物的导管将养分和水分从根部输送到叶子。)
11. The air ducts in the building were clogged with dust and needed to be cleaned. (建筑物的风道被灰尘堵塞,需要清洁。)
12. The tear ducts are responsible for draining tears from the eyes. (泪管负责排除眼泪。)
13. The plumber repaired the duct that was leaking water. (管道工修理了漏水的管道。)
14. The ductal system in the body transports various fluids, such as saliva and digestive juices. (体内的导管系统输送各种液体,如唾液和消化液。)
15. The tear ducts can become blocked due to inflammation or a foreign object. (由于炎症或异物,泪管可能会被堵塞。)
16. The air conditioning ducts distribute cool air evenly throughout the building. (空调风管均匀地将冷空气分布到整个建筑物。)
17. The surgeon had to remove a blockage from the patient's bile duct. (外科医生不得不清除病人胆管的堵塞物。)
18. The tear ducts are located in the inner corner of the eye. (泪点位于眼睛的内角。)
19. The air ducts need to be insulated to prevent heat loss. (风管需要隔热以防止热量损失。)
20. The tear ducts are responsible for draining excess tears from the eyes. (泪管负责排除多余的眼泪。)