1. 名词
1.1 主要含义
英文:agreement, treaty
1.2 衍生含义
英文:contract, covenant
2. 形容词
2.1 主要含义
英文:formal, strict
2.2 衍生含义
英文:close, intimate
3. 词语辨析
1. pact与agreement的区别:pact强调通过谈判达成的协议或条约,通常具有更正式和法律性质;agreement则更广泛,可指任何形式的共识。
2. pact与contract的区别:pact更多地用于指涉国际关系、政治、军事等方面的协议或条约;contract则更常用于商业、法律等领域,指明确的合同关系。
4. 词汇扩充
1. non-aggression pact:非侵略条约
2. trade pact:贸易协定
3. peace pact:和平协议
4. defense pact:防御协议
5. nuclear pact:核协议
5. 近义词
agreement, treaty, contract, accord, covenant
6. 反义词
disagreement, conflict, rupture, breach, violation
7. 柯林斯词典释义
1. A pact is a formal agreement between two or more people, organizations, or governments to do a particular thing or to help each other.
2. A pact with another country is a formal agreement with them about peace or trade.
If you describe an action, plan, or system as pact, you mean that it is done firmly or fixed in a particular way, and often officially.
8. 牛津词典释义
1. A formal agreement between individuals or parties.
2. An agreement between countries or groups, especially to help each other or to stop fighting.
Agreed on; fixed.
9. 用法
1. They signed a mutual defense pact.
2. The two nations reached a historic trade pact.
3. The peace pact was hailed as a major breakthrough.
4. The government entered into a pact with the opposition party.
10. 相关例句
- They signed a mutual defense pact. (他们签署了一项相互防御协议。)
- The two nations reached a historic trade pact. (两国达成了一项具有历史意义的贸易协定。)
- The peace pact was hailed as a major breakthrough. (和平协议被誉为重大突破。)
- The government entered into a pact with the opposition party. (政府与反对党达成了协议。)
- They formed a pact to combat terrorism. (他们形成了一个打击恐怖主义的协定。)
- The pact between the two companies was finalized. (两家公司之间的协议已敲定。)
- The leaders signed a pact for economic cooperation. (领导人签署了一项经济合作协议。)
- The countries entered into a non-aggression pact. (这些国家签订了一项非侵略条约。)
- The trade pact aims to reduce tariffs and boost commerce. (这项贸易协定旨在降低关税,促进商业发展。)
- The pact between the two nations ensured peaceful relations. (两国之间的协定确保了和平关系。)
- A pact was reached between the labor union and management. (工会和管理层达成了一项协议。)
- The nuclear pact was a significant step towards disarmament. (核协议是朝着裁军迈出的重要一步。)
- The countries are negotiating a new trade pact. (各国正在谈判一项新的贸易协议。)
- The pact was violated when one party failed to fulfill its obligations. (由于一方未能履行义务,协议被违反了。)
- The pact was dissolved due to irreconcilable differences. (由于无法调和的分歧,协议被解散了。)
- The defense pact between the two nations ensured their security. (两国之间的防御协议确保了它们的安全。)
- An international peace pact was signed to prevent further conflicts. (签署了一项国际和平协议,以防止进一步的冲突。)
- The pact called for joint efforts in environmental protection. (该协议呼吁共同努力保护环境。)
- The pact was seen as a major breakthrough in diplomatic relations. (该协议被视为外交关系的重大突破。)
- They made a pact to support each other in times of need. (他们达成了在需要时相互支持的协议。)