- (名词)割伤
- (名词)切口
- (名词)削减
- (名词)切割
- (名词)节肢
- (名词)剁碎的食物
- (名词)割草机
- (形容词)割伤的
- (形容词)切割的
- (名词)割伤
- (名词)切口
- (名词)削减
- (名词)切割
- (名词)节肢
- (名词)剁碎的食物
- (名词)割草机
- (形容词)割伤的
- (形容词)切割的
1. cuts as a noun:
- The knife slipped and caused a deep cut in his finger.(刀滑了一下,他的手指被割得很深。)
- The surgeon made an incision with a clean cut.(外科医生用利刃进行了一次干净的切口。)
- The company announced cuts in its workforce due to financial difficulties.(由于财务困难,该公司宣布裁员。)
2. cuts as an adjective:
- She had cuts on her arms from falling off her bike.(她从自行车上摔下来,胳膊上有划痕。)
- The diamond was beautifully set in a cut gold band.(钻石被漂亮地镶嵌在一个切割的金环上。)
3. cuts as a verb:
- The editor cuts unnecessary scenes from the movie.(编辑从电影中剪掉了不必要的场景。)
- The government plans to cut taxes to stimulate economic growth.(政府计划减税以刺激经济增长。)
1. The chef expertly cuts the vegetables into small pieces.(厨师熟练地把蔬菜切成小块。)
2. The surgeon made a precise cut to remove the tumor.(外科医生进行了精确的切口以切除肿瘤。)
3. The company announced cuts in its budget to improve profitability.(该公司宣布削减预算以提高盈利能力。)
4. She accidentally got a cut on her hand while cooking.(她在做饭时不小心割伤了手。)
5. The film director decided to make some cuts to shorten the movie's running time.(电影导演决定对电影进行一些剪辑,以缩短片长。)
6. The government's proposed cuts to education funding sparked protests from teachers.(政府对教育经费的削减提议引发了教师们的抗议。)
7. The new chef's cutting skills are exceptional.(新厨师的切割技巧非常出色。)
8. He used a cutter to trim the edges of the paper.(他用裁纸刀修剪纸的边缘。)
9. The restaurant was known for its high-quality cutlery.(这家餐厅以高品质的餐具而闻名。)
10. The company is known for its cutting-edge technology.(该公司以尖端技术而闻名。)
11. The government cut funding for public transportation, leading to reduced services.(政府削减了对公共交通的资金,导致服务减少。)
12. The chef slashed the meat with a sharp knife.(厨师用锋利的刀子猛砍肉。)
13. The company needs to trim its expenses to stay profitable.(公司需要削减开支以保持盈利。)
14. The store is having a sale with reduced prices on all items.(该商店正在进行全场降价促销。)
15. The government plans to expand public transportation services in the city.(政府计划扩大城市的公共交通服务。)
16. The company aims to increase its market share through aggressive marketing strategies.(该公司通过积极的市场营销策略来增加市场份额。)
17. The surgeon used a scalpel to make a precise cut on the patient's abdomen.(外科医生用手术刀在病人的腹部进行了精确的切口。)
18. The artist carefully cut out shapes from colored paper for her collage.(艺术家小心翼翼地从彩纸上剪下形状,用于她的拼贴画。)
19. The government's cuts to social programs have negatively affected vulnerable populations.(政府对社会项目的削减对弱势群体产生了负面影响。)
20. The butcher cuts the meat into different portions for customers.(屠夫把肉切成不同的部分供顾客选择。)