flounder (verb)
If you flounder, you have great difficulty doing something or are completely unable to decide what to do or say next.
【例句】She floundered helplessly on the slippery rocks.
【例句】He is floundering, trying to regain his balance.
【例句】He floundered through his first few weeks of unemployment.
【例句】The government continues to flounder in its attempts to tackle the crisis.
flounder (verb)
Struggle or stagger helplessly or clumsily in water or mud.
【例句】He was floundering about in the shallow offshore waters.
【例句】She floundered through the muddy streets.
【例句】He floundered to his feet, panting and covered in dirt.
【例句】The horse floundered and sank in the deep mud.
- She floundered helplessly on the slippery rocks. - 她在滑溜溜的岩石上无助地摇摇晃晃。
- He is floundering, trying to regain his balance. - 他摇摇晃晃,试图恢复平衡。
- He floundered through his first few weeks of unemployment. - 他在失业的最初几周艰难度过。
- The government continues to flounder in its attempts to tackle the crisis. - 政府在应对危机的努力中继续摇摆不定。
- He was floundering about in the shallow offshore waters. - 他在浅水区飞来飞去。
- She floundered through the muddy streets. - 她在泥泞的街道上摇摇晃晃。
- He floundered to his feet, panting and covered in dirt. - 他气喘吁吁地爬起来,浑身是泥。
- The horse floundered and sank in the deep mud. - 马在深泥中挣扎并沉下去了。
- The company is floundering in a sea of debt. - 这家公司在债务泥潭中痛苦挣扎。
- The team floundered after losing their star player. - 在失去明星球员后,球队陷入困境。
- The project floundered due to lack of funding. - 由于缺乏资金,这个项目陷入困境。
- She floundered through her presentation, forgetting key points. - 她在演讲中摇摇晃晃,忘记了关键点。
- He floundered in his attempts to explain the situation. - 他在解释情况时摇摇晃晃。
- The company is floundering and needs a new strategy. - 公司陷入困境,需要新的策略。
- The economy continues to flounder, with no signs of improvement. - 经济继续摇摆不定,没有改善的迹象。
- She floundered in the deep snow, unable to find her way. - 她在深雪中摇摇晃晃,找不到路。
- The politician floundered when asked about his stance on the issue. - 当被问及他对该问题的立场时,这位政治家支吾其词。
- I watched him flounder, trying to swim against the strong current. - 我看着他挣扎,试图逆着强流游泳。
- She floundered around the kitchen, not sure what to cook for dinner. - 她在厨房里东摇西晃,不知道晚餐要做什么。
- They floundered through the difficult conversation, unable to find a resolution. - 他们在困难的对话中摇摇晃晃,找不到解决办法。
- He floundered in his attempts to fix the broken machine. - 他试图修理坏掉的机器时摇摇晃晃。